Plot 2 contours and remove the last one

Use showvar() to plot the wind as a filled contour plot and the temperature as grey contour lines on the same axes.

import pylab as pyl

import pygeode as pyg
import numpy as np
from pygeode.tutorial import t2

# Load Temperature and zonal wind
u = t2.U(time='10 May 2002', pres=(1000,500)).mean(pyg.Lon)
T = t2.Temp(time='10 May 2002', pres=(1000,500)).mean(pyg.Lon)

# Change vertical axis to log(pressure) with a scale height of 7 km
u_H = u.replace_axes(pres=u.pres.logPAxis(H=7000))
T_H = T.replace_axes(pres=T.pres.logPAxis(H=7000))

ax = pyg.plot.AxesWrapper()

pyg.showvar(T_H, clines=10, colors='grey', axes=ax)
ax_wrapper =pyg.showvar(u_H, min=10, cdelt=10, ndiv=3, fig=1,, axes=ax)

ax.setp(title = 'Plot of temperature and zonal mean wind')
Plot of temperature and zonal mean wind


<Figure size 720x480 with 2 Axes>

ax_wrapper.axes[0].plots contains a list of all the plotted objects

print(*ax_wrapper.axes[0].plots, sep="\n")


<pygeode.plot.wrappers.Contour object at 0x7f217ac3c3d0>
<pygeode.plot.wrappers.Contourf object at 0x7f217af9de20>
<pygeode.plot.wrappers.Contour object at 0x7f217ac3c820>
<pygeode.plot.wrappers.Colorbar object at 0x7f217ac3cd30>

Remove the temperatue contours from the list and plot the zonal wind contours and colourbar only.

ax_wrapper.axes[0].plots = ax_wrapper.axes[0].plots[1:]

ax.setp(title = 'Plot of zonal mean wind')
Plot of zonal mean wind


<Figure size 720x480 with 2 Axes>
print(*ax_wrapper.axes[0].plots, sep="\n")


<pygeode.plot.wrappers.Contourf object at 0x7f217af9de20>
<pygeode.plot.wrappers.Contour object at 0x7f217ac3c820>
<pygeode.plot.wrappers.Colorbar object at 0x7f217ac3cd30>

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