Vertical axes object reference

class pygeode.ZAxis[source]

Inherits from Axis

Generic parent class for axes representing vertical coordinates, plotted by default on the vertical axis in line plots and in contour plots. No new or overridden methods.

class pygeode.Height[source]

Inherits from ZAxis

Represents a geometric height. No new or overridden methods.

class pygeode.Pres[source]

Inherits from ZAxis

Represents a pressure vertical coordinate.

New and overridden methods

Pres.logPAxis([p0, H])

logPAxis(p0, H) - returns a pygeode axis with log pressure heights corresponding to this axis.


Returns a matplotlib locator object for use in plotting.

Pres.formatvalue(value[, fmt, units, unitstr])

Returns formatted string representation of pressure value.

class pygeode.Hybrid[source]

Inherits from ZAxis

Represents a hybridized pressure coordinate, of the form \(p(\eta) = A(\eta) p_0 + B(\eta) p_s\).

Auxilliary arrays: A and B

New and overridden methods

Hybrid.__init__(values, A, B, **kwargs)

Create a new Axis object with the given values.


Returns a matplotlib locator object for use in plotting.

Pres.logPAxis(p0=1000.0, H=7.1)[source]

logPAxis(p0, H) - returns a pygeode axis with log pressure heights corresponding to this axis. By default p0 = 1000 hPa and H = 7.1 (km).

Pres.formatvalue(value, fmt=None, units=True, unitstr=None)[source]

Returns formatted string representation of pressure value.

valuefloat or int

Value to format.

fmtstring (optional)

Format specification; see Notes. If the default None is specified, self.formatstr is used.

unitsboolean (optional)

If True, will include the units in the string returned. Default is True.

unitstrstring (optional)

String to use for the units; default is self.units.

Formatted representation of the pressure. See notes.


If fmt includes the character ‘<’, it is interpreted as ‘fmt<break’, such that values less than float(break) are formatted using the format string fmt, while those greater than float(break) are formatted as integers. Otherwise the behaviour is like Var.formatvalue().


>>> from pygeode.tutorial import t2
>>> print(t2.pres.formatvalue(1000))
1000 hPa
>>> print(t2.pres.formatvalue(1.52))
1.5 hPa
>>> print(t2.pres.formatvalue(20, '%.1g'))
2e+01 hPa
>>> print(t2.pres.formatvalue(20, '%.1g<10'))
20 hPa

Returns a matplotlib locator object for use in plotting.

Hybrid.__init__(values, A, B, **kwargs)[source]

Create a new Axis object with the given values.


A one-dimensional coordinate defining the axis grid.

namestring (optional)

What to call the axis (i.e. for plot titles & when saving to file)

attsdict (optional)

Any additional metadata to associate with the axis. The dictionary keys should be strings.

plotattsdict (optional)

Parameters that control plotting behaviour; default values are available. The dictionary keys should be strings.


A relative tolerance used for identifying an element of this axis.


All subclasses of Axis need to call this __init__ method within their own __init__, to properly initialize all attributes.


Returns a matplotlib locator object for use in plotting.