# This module defines all operations that are applied element by element.
# This is essentially a wrapper to apply numpy universal functions (ufunc)
# to PyGeode variables.
from .var import Var
class UfuncVar (Var):
# {{{
op = None
symbol = None
# If any of the arguments are not scalars or Vars, then defer the op
# to some other module that may handle it (such as Dataset).
def __new__ (self, *args):
# {{{
from pygeode.var import Var
import numpy as np
for arg in args:
if not isinstance(arg,(int,float,complex,np.number,Var)):
return NotImplemented
return object.__new__(self)
# }}}
def __init__ (self, *args):
# {{{
from pygeode.tools import combine_axes
from pygeode.var import combine_meta
import numpy as np
assert self.op is not None, "can't instantiate UfuncVar directly"
ivars = [i for i,v in enumerate(args) if isinstance(v, Var)]
vars = [args[i] for i in ivars]
axes = combine_axes(vars)
self.args = args
self.ivars = ivars
# dtype = common_dtype(args)
# create some dummy scalar args to test the dtype
dummy_dtypes = ['int64' if isinstance(a,int) else 'float64' if isinstance(a,float) else 'complex128' if isinstance(a,complex) else a.dtype for a in args]
dummy_args = [np.array(1,dtype=d) for d in dummy_dtypes]
dtype = self.op(*dummy_args).dtype
# TODO: Type check arguments. numpy arrays probably shouldn't be allowed
# Generate a default name
symbol = self.symbol
names = [(arg.name or '??') if isinstance(arg,Var) else str(arg) for arg in args]
# Strip out parentheses if there's only one name?
if len(names) == 1:
if names[0].startswith('(') and names[0].endswith(')'):
names[0] = names[0][1:-1]
if symbol is None:
name = self.op.__name__ + '(' + ','.join(names) + ')'
elif isinstance(symbol,(list,tuple)):
assert len(names) == 1
name = symbol[0] + names[0] + symbol[1]
assert isinstance(symbol, str)
name = '(' + symbol.join(names) + ')'
# Special case: applying a scalar to a Var object with a simple name.
# In this case, keep the original name.
if len(args) == 2 and len(vars) == 1: # One scalar, one var
if '(' not in vars[0].name and ')' not in vars[0].name:
if self.symbol in ('+','-','*','/'): # Basic arithmetic only
name = vars[0].name
# # Copy any common generic metadata
# self.atts = common_dict(v.atts for v in vars)
# self.plotatts = common_dict(v.plotatts for v in vars)
Var.__init__(self, axes, dtype=dtype)
# Copy any common generic metadata
combine_meta(vars, self)
# Use our locally derived name (override combine_meta)
self.name = name
# }}}
def getview (self, view, pbar):
# {{{
import numpy as np
args = list(self.args)
# Relative progress of each variable
sizes = [args[i].size for i in self.ivars]
prog = np.cumsum([0.]+sizes) / np.sum(sizes) * 100
for I,i in enumerate(self.ivars):
# For each variable, get appropriate subranges, reshape, and transpose array
args[i] = view.get(args[i], pbar=pbar.subset(prog[I],prog[I+1]))
# Fix for 0-dimensions variables, which will return a scalar
args[i] = np.array(args[i])
# Ensure that the output is still a numpy array
# (if the input arrays are degenerate, numpy wants to return a scalar
# by default)
import numpy
values = numpy.asarray(self.op(*args), self.dtype)
return values
# }}}
# }}}
# Take a function that operates on numpy arrays, create a
# function that operates on PyGeode arrays.
def wrap_npfunc (nterms, npfunc, doc='', symbol=None):
import numpy as np
from types import FunctionType
# Create a ufunc subclass
_symbol = symbol # change the name so it doesn't collide with the class member below
class C(UfuncVar):
op = staticmethod(npfunc)
symbol = _symbol
C.__name__ = npfunc.__name__.strip('_').capitalize() + "_Var"
# Create a function for creating the class
assert isinstance(nterms, int)
if nterms == 1:
def f(x): return C(x)
elif nterms == 2:
def f(x,y): return C(x,y)
elif nterms == -1:
def f(*args): return C(*args)
else: raise Exception
f.__name__ = npfunc.__name__
f.__doc__ = doc
# Is this a trivial wrapper of something from numpy?
if getattr(np, npfunc.__name__, None) is npfunc:
# Use proper sentence structure?
if f.__doc__ != '':
f.__doc__ = f.__doc__.rstrip(' ').rstrip('.')
f.__doc__ += ". "
if type(npfunc) is FunctionType:
f.__doc__ += "Wraps :func:`numpy.%s`"%npfunc.__name__
# Ufunc things (such as sin) are ufunc types, not functions?
f.__doc__ += "Wraps :data:`numpy.%s`"%npfunc.__name__
return f
def wrap_unary (npfunc, doc='', symbol=None):
return wrap_npfunc (1, npfunc, doc, symbol)
def wrap_binary (npfunc, doc='', symbol=None):
return wrap_npfunc (2, npfunc, doc, symbol)
# Chain a sequence of unary functions
#TODO: use some standard function for this?
def chain (*f):
assert len(f) > 0
if len(f) == 1: return f[0]
def make_chain (f1,f2):
def f3(x): return f1(f2(x))
return f3
return make_chain (f[0],chain(*f[1:]))
import numpy as np
abs = wrap_unary(np.abs, "Absolute value")
absolute = wrap_unary(np.abs, "Absolute value")
sign = wrap_unary(np.sign, "Sign (+1 = *positive*, -1 = *negative*)")
exp = wrap_unary(np.exp, "Natural exponent")
log = wrap_unary(np.log, "Natural logarithm")
log10 = wrap_unary(np.log10, "Base-10 logarithm")
cos = wrap_unary(np.cos, "Cosine of angle (in radians)")
sin = wrap_unary(np.sin, "Sine of angle (in radians)")
tan = wrap_unary(np.tan, "Tangent of angle (in radians)")
cosh = wrap_unary(np.cosh, "Hyperbolic cosine")
sinh = wrap_unary(np.sinh, "Hyperbolic sine")
tanh = wrap_unary(np.tanh, "Hyperbolic tangent")
sqrt = wrap_unary(np.sqrt, "Square root")
real = wrap_unary(np.real, "Real part of a complex array")
imag = wrap_unary(np.imag, "Imaginary part of a complex array")
conj = wrap_unary(np.conj, "Complex conjugate of a complex array"); conj.__name__ = 'conj'
angle = wrap_unary(np.angle, "Angles (arguments) of a complex array")
arccos = wrap_unary(np.arccos, "Inverse cosine (in radians)")
arcsin = wrap_unary(np.arcsin, "Inverse sine (in radians)")
arctan = wrap_unary(np.arctan, "Inverse tangent (in radians)")
arccosh = wrap_unary(np.arccosh, "Inverse hyperbolic cosine")
arcsinh = wrap_unary(np.arcsinh, "Inverse hyperbolic sine")
arctanh = wrap_unary(np.arctanh, "Inverse hyperbolic tangent")
nan_to_num = wrap_unary(np.nan_to_num, "Replace nan with zero and inf with finite numbers")
arctan2 = wrap_binary(np.arctan2, "Inverse tangent. Explicit x/y given. Returns radians")
def _deg2rad(x):
from math import pi
return x * pi / 180.
deg2rad = wrap_unary (_deg2rad, "Converts values from degrees to radians")
cosd = chain(np.cos,_deg2rad); cosd.__name__ = 'cosd'
sind = chain(np.sin,_deg2rad); sind.__name__ = 'sind'
tand = chain(np.tan,_deg2rad); tand.__name__ = 'tand'
cosd = wrap_unary (cosd, "Cosine of angle (in degrees)")
sind = wrap_unary (sind, "Sine of angle (in degrees)")
tand = wrap_unary (tand, "Tangent of angle (in degrees)")
def _rad2deg(x):
from math import pi
return x * 180. / pi
rad2deg = wrap_unary (_rad2deg, "Converts values from radians to degress")
arccosd = chain(_rad2deg,np.arccos); arccosd.__name__ = 'arccosd'
arcsind = chain(_rad2deg,np.arcsin); arcsind.__name__ = 'arcsind'
arctand = chain(_rad2deg,np.arctan); arctand.__name__ = 'arctand'
arccosd = wrap_unary (arccosd, "Inverse cosine (in degrees).")
arcsind = wrap_unary (arcsind, "Inverse sine (in degrees).")
arctand = wrap_unary (arctand, "Inverse tangent (in degrees).")
arctand2 = chain(_rad2deg,np.arctan2); arctand2.__name__ = 'arctand2'
arctand2 = wrap_binary (arctand2, "Inverse tangent. Explicit x/y given. Returns degrees.")
minimum = wrap_binary (np.minimum, "Element-wise minimum of the two given arguments.")
maximum = wrap_binary (np.maximum, "Element-wise maximum of the two given arguments.")
[docs]def vprod(*args):
if len(args) == 0: return 1
ans = args[0]
for arg in args[1:]:
ans = ans * arg
return ans
vprod = wrap_npfunc(-1, vprod, "Multiplies an arbitrary number of variables together")
[docs]def vsum(*args):
# from numpy import sum
# return sum(args, 0)
if len(args) == 0: return 0
ans = args[0]
for arg in args[1:]:
ans = ans + arg
return ans
vsum = wrap_npfunc(-1, vsum, "Adds an arbitrary number of variables together")
clip = wrap_npfunc(-1, np.clip, "Clips values to given interval.")
del np
unary_flist = (abs, sign, exp, log, log10, cos, sin, tan, cosd, sind, tand,
cosh, sinh, tanh, arccos, arcsin, arctan,
arccosd, arcsind, arctand, arccosh, arcsinh, arctanh,
sqrt, nan_to_num, real, imag, conj, angle,
binary_flist = (arctan2, arctand2, minimum, maximum)
vararg_flist = (vprod, vsum)
all_flist = unary_flist + binary_flist + vararg_flist
__all__ = tuple(sorted(f.__name__ for f in all_flist))
#__all__ =
# Collect these functions into a list, which Var can load into itself dynamically
#class_flist = (__add__, __sub__, __mul__, __div__, __pow__,
# __abs__, __neg__, __pos__, __mod__, __rmod__, __trunc__,
# __lt__, __le__, __gt__, __ge__ , __eq__, __ne__,
# __radd__, __rsub__, __rmul__, __rdiv__, __rpow__,
# sign, exp, log, log10, cos, sin, tan, cosd, sind, tand,
# cosh, sinh, tanh, arccos, arcsin, arctan, arctan2,
# arccosd, arcsind, arctand, arctand2, arccosh, arcsinh, arctanh,
# sqrt, nan_to_num, real, imag, angle
#generic_flist = (
# exp, log, log10, cos, sin, tan, cosd, sind, tand,
# cosh, sinh, tanh, arccos, arcsin, arctan, arctan2,
# arccosd, arcsind, arctand, arctand2, arccosh, arcsinh, arctanh,
# sqrt, nan_to_num, real, imag, angle