# Time axis utilities
''' A set of tools for manipulating time axes. '''
# Things which are useful for manipulating time axes, but aren't needed in the
# core timeaxis module.
# For now, share the same C library as the timeaxis module
from pygeode.timeaxis import lib
# Take a list of fields (year, month, day, etc.) and return the fields with duplicates removed.
# NOTE: the fields are assumed to be pre-sorted
def _uniquify (fields):
# {{{
from pygeode.timeaxis import _argsort
import numpy as np
assert len(fields) > 0, 'no fields provided'
S = _argsort(fields)
in_atts = np.vstack([f[S] for f in fields]).transpose()
in_atts = np.ascontiguousarray(in_atts,dtype='int32')
out_atts = np.empty(in_atts.shape, dtype='int32')
nout = lib.uniquify (len(fields), in_atts, len(in_atts), out_atts)
# Convert back to a list of fields
return list(out_atts[:nout,:].transpose())
# }}}
# Mask out certain fields from a time axis
# resolution: maximum resolution of the output 'day', 'hour', 'year', etc.)
# exclude: list of fields to remove (i.e. mask out 'year' when making a climatology axis)
# include: explicit list of fields to include (everything else is excluded)
[docs]def modify (taxis, resolution=None, exclude=[], include=[], uniquify=False):
# {{{
''' Modifies the auxiliary arrays associated with a time axis.
taxis : time axis instance
Time axis to modify
resolution : {None, 'year', 'month', 'day', 'hour', 'minute', 'second'}, optional
Finest division to retain.
exclude : list of strings, optional
List of arrays to remove
include : list of strings, optional
Explicit list of arrays to include
taxis : time axis instance
Modified time axis
# Determine which fields to use
fnames = set(taxis.auxarrays.keys())
if isinstance(exclude,str): exclude = [exclude]
if isinstance(include,str): include = [include]
if len(include) > 0:
fnames = fnames & set(include)
fnames -= set(exclude)
if resolution is not None:
i = list(taxis.allowed_fields).index(resolution)
fnames -= set(taxis.allowed_fields[i+1:])
# Convert back to an ordered list
fnames = [f for f in taxis.allowed_fields if f in fnames]
# Get the fields
fields = [taxis.auxarrays[f] for f in fnames]
if uniquify: fields = _uniquify(fields)
# Get a dictionary for the fields
fields = dict([name,f] for name,f in zip(fnames,fields))
kwargs = dict(taxis.auxatts, **fields)
return type(taxis)(**kwargs)
# }}}
# Get a relative time array with the given parameters
[docs]def reltime (taxis, startdate=None, units=None):
# {{{
''' Returns time axis values relative to a given reference date. The units can be
be specified, if none are given the units of the given time axis are used.'''
if units is None: units = taxis.units
return taxis.date_as_val (startdate=startdate, units=units)
# }}}
# Get time increment
# Units: day, hour, minute, second
[docs]def delta (taxis, units=None, allow_multiple = False):
# {{{
''' Returns the interval between values of a given time axis. If
non-unique intervals are found an exception is raised. The units
can be specified; if none are given the units of the given time axis
are used.'''
import numpy as np
delt = np.diff(reltime(taxis, units=units))
# If we have more than one 'unique' value, check if it's just a case of numerical precision
if len(delt) > 1:
if np.allclose(delt, delt[0]): delt = delt[0:1]
else: delt = np.sort(np.unique(delt))
# Not enough values to determine a delt?
if len(delt) == 0: return 0
if len(delt) > 1:
estr = 'Warning: non-unique deltas found in axis %s: %s.' % (taxis, delt)
if allow_multiple:
print(estr + ' Returning smallest.')
raise ValueError(estr)
return delt[0]
# }}}
# Helper function; normalizes date object so that all fields are within the standard range
[docs]def wrapdate(taxis, dt, allfields=False):
# {{{
''' Returns a modified date dictionary such that all fields
lie within standard values. '''
return taxis.val_as_date(taxis.date_as_val(dt), allfields=allfields)
# }}}
# Helper function; returns time between two dates in specified units
[docs]def date_diff(taxis, dt1, dt2, units = None):
# {{{
''' Returns time interval between two dates. A time axis must be given
to specify the calendar. If no units are specified the units of the given
time axis are used.'''
return taxis.date_as_val(dt2, startdate=dt1, units = units)
# }}}
# Conform two time axes so their values are comparable
# }}}
from pygeode.var import Var
from pygeode.timeaxis import Yearless
class Lag(Yearless):
# {{{
name = 'lag'
def class_has_alias(cls, name):
# {{{
if cls.name.lower() == name.lower(): return True
return False
# }}}
# }}}
# Remove leap days from data on a standard calendar, coerce the data onto a
# 365-day calendar.
from pygeode.timeaxis import ModelTime365
[docs]def removeleapyears(data, omitdoy_leap=[60], omitdoy_noleap=[], new_axis_type=ModelTime365):
# {{{
'''Removes leap day(s) from data on a standard calendar. Casts variable with
a :class:`StandardTime` time axis onto a time axis with a uniform year length
by removing days from leap years.
data : :class:`Var`
The variable to modify. Should have a :class:`Time` axis.
omitdoy_leap : list, optional [ [60] ]
A list of days of the year (e.g. 1 is 1 January, 60 is 29 February) to remove
from leap years.
omitdoy_noleap : list, optional [ [] ]
A list of days of the year (e.g. 1 is 1 January, 60 is 1 March) to remove
from non-leap years. Can be empty.
new_axis_type : :class:`CalendarTime`, optional
Time axis class to use instead. Default is :class:`ModelTime365`. Should
expect a year length consistent with the lists passed to omitdoy_leap and
New :class:`Var` object with modified time axis and specified days removed
from leap year.'''
from pygeode.timeaxis import Time, StandardTime
import numpy as np
taxis = data.getaxis(Time)
# Determine which times to keep
year = taxis.year
isleapyear = isinstance(taxis,StandardTime) & (year % 4 == 0) & ( (year % 100 != 0) | (year % 400 == 0) )
doy = []
for y in sorted(set(taxis.year)):
doy.extend(reltime(taxis(year=y), startdate={'year':y, 'month':1, 'day':1}, units='days')+1)
doy = np.array(np.floor(doy),dtype=int)
omit_on_leap = [False] * len(taxis)
for d in omitdoy_leap:
omit_on_leap |= (doy == d)
omit_on_noleap = [False] * len(taxis)
for d in omitdoy_noleap:
omit_on_noleap |= (doy == d)
omit = (isleapyear & omit_on_leap) | ((~isleapyear) & omit_on_noleap)
indices = np.nonzero(~omit)
# Remove the leap days from the data
slices = [slice(None)] * data.naxes
slices[data.whichaxis(Time)] = indices
data = data._getitem_asvar(slices)
# Recreate the axis as the new type.
# Convert doy (old axis) to doy (new axis)
new_taxis_pieces = []
for y in sorted(set(taxis.year)):
# Check for leap year - use one list of omitted days or the other
if isleapyear[taxis.year==y][0]:
omitted_days = sorted(omitdoy_leap, reverse=True)
omitted_days = sorted(omitdoy_noleap, reverse=True)
# Start with the old doy
doy = reltime(taxis(year=y), startdate={'year':y, 'month':1, 'day':1}, units='days')+1
# Strip out the omitted days, and re-index the other days
for d in omitted_days:
doy = doy[np.floor(doy) != d]
doy[doy>d] -= 1
# Create an axis of the new type
new_taxis_pieces.append(new_axis_type(values=doy-1, units='days', startdate={'year':y, 'month':1, 'day':1}))
# Rebuild the final new axis
# (Had to break it down by year, to do the doy arithmetic)
new_taxis = new_axis_type.concat(new_taxis_pieces)
# Replace the time axis of the data
data = data.replace_axes(time = new_taxis)
return data
# }}}
del ModelTime365
class LagVar(Var):
# {{{
def __init__(self, var, iaxis, lags, reverse=False):
# {{{
import numpy as np
from pygeode import Var
from pygeode.timeaxis import Time
self.iaxis = var.whichaxis(iaxis)
taxis = var.axes[self.iaxis]
assert isinstance(taxis, Time), 'must specify a Time axis'
delt = (taxis.values[1] - taxis.values[0])
if reverse:
delt = -delt
lags = lags[::-1]
self.lags = np.array(lags).astype('i')
lag = Lag(values = delt*self.lags, units=taxis.units, startdate={'day':0})
axes = var.axes[:self.iaxis+1] + (lag, ) + var.axes[self.iaxis+1:]
self.var = var
Var.__init__(self, axes, dtype=var.dtype, name=var.name, atts=var.atts, plotatts=var.plotatts)
# }}}
def getview (self, view, pbar):
# {{{
import numpy as np
lind = self.lags[view.integer_indices[self.iaxis+1]]
loff, roff = np.min(lind), np.max(lind)
tind = view.integer_indices[self.iaxis]
tmin, tmax = np.min(tind), np.max(tind)
tsl = slice(max(tmin + loff, 0), min(tmax + roff + 1, self.shape[self.iaxis]))
imin = tsl.start
inview = view.remove(self.iaxis+1).modify_slice(self.iaxis, tsl)
src = inview.get(self.var, pbar=pbar)
out = np.empty(view.shape, self.dtype)
outsl = [0 if i == self.iaxis + 1 else slice(None) for i in range(self.naxes)]
insl = [slice(None) for i in range(self.naxes-1)]
for i, l in enumerate(lind):
valid = (tind + l >= 0) & (tind + l < self.shape[self.iaxis])
ivalid = np.where(valid)[0]
insl[self.iaxis] = tind[ivalid] + l - imin
outsl[self.iaxis] = ivalid
outsl[self.iaxis+1] = i
out[outsl] = src[insl]
outsl[self.iaxis] = np.where(~valid)[0]
out[outsl] = np.nan
return out
# }}}
# }}}
del Yearless
def lag (var, iaxis, lags, reverse=False):
# {{{
''' Adds a lag axis with offset values. '''
return LagVar (var, iaxis, lags, reverse=reverse)
# }}}
# Split a time axis into year,<everything else>
def _splittime (taxis):
# {{{
from pygeode.timeaxis import CalendarTime
from pygeode.axis import NamedAxis
import numpy as np
assert isinstance(taxis,CalendarTime)
assert hasattr(taxis,'year'), "no years to split off!"
# Get the years, turn them into an axis
years = np.unique(taxis.year)
years = NamedAxis(values=years, name='year')
# Get the rest, as a 'climatological' axis
days = modify(taxis, exclude='year', uniquify=True).rename('day')
return years, days
# }}}
# Join 2 axes (year,<everything else>) into a single time axis
# 'years' is an axis, 'days' is a CalendarTime axis.
# NOTE: magical things can happen when the calendar year doesn't have a fixed length
def _jointime (years, days):
# {{{
from pygeode.axis import Axis
from pygeode.timeaxis import CalendarTime
assert isinstance(years, Axis)
assert isinstance(days, CalendarTime)
assert 'year' not in days
nyears = len(years)
ndays = len(days)
timetype = type(days)
timeunits = days.units
# Convert 'years' to a raw numpy array, and 'days' to a dictionary of numpy
# arrays, representing the other date/time fields.
years = years.values
days = days.auxarrays
# Broadcast all combinations of selected years and days, get a list of
# dates to request from the input var
fields = {}
fields['year'] = years.reshape(-1,1).repeat(ndays,axis=1).flatten()
for fname, farray in days.items():
fields[fname] = farray.reshape(1,-1).repeat(nyears,axis=0).flatten()
# Construct a time axis with this field information
out_times = timetype(units=timeunits, **fields)
return out_times
# }}}
# Now, define some Var classes that apply the above split/join to
# variables that contain time axes.
# Split a time axis into a 2D representation (year,<everything else>)
class SplitTime (Var):
# {{{
def __init__ (self, var, iaxis):
# {{{
from pygeode.var import copy_meta, Var
# Get the time axis to split
iaxis = var.whichaxis(iaxis)
taxis = var.getaxis(iaxis)
years, days = _splittime(taxis)
# Construct the output axes
axes = list(var.axes)
axes = axes[:iaxis] + [years, days] + axes[iaxis+1:]
Var.__init__(self, axes=axes, dtype=var.dtype)
self.iaxis = iaxis
self.var = var
# }}}
def getview (self, view, pbar):
# {{{
import numpy as np
# Get the selected years and days
iaxis = self.iaxis
years = view.subaxis(iaxis)
days = view.subaxis(iaxis+1)
# Input time axis (full, not sliced)
in_taxis = self.var.getaxis(iaxis)
# Selected output times (joined into a 1D time axis)
out_times = _jointime(years,days)
# Determine how much of the input axis we need, and how much
# that provides for the output (the rest will be NaNs).
in_sl, out_sl = in_taxis.common_map(out_times)
assert len(in_sl) == len(out_sl) # just for the hell of it
# Start with a field of NaNs
out = np.empty(view.shape, dtype=self.dtype)
out[()] = float('NaN') # will fail horribly if we have integer data.
# Get some input data
inview = view.remove(iaxis+1).replace_axis(iaxis, in_taxis, sl=in_sl)
indata = inview.get(self.var, pbar=pbar)
# Now, put this where we need it.
# Input data has a single time axis, so we need to reshape the output a bit.
squished_shape = out.shape[:iaxis] + (-1,) + out.shape[iaxis+2:]
out = out.reshape(squished_shape)
sl = [slice(None)] * out.ndim
sl[iaxis] = out_sl
out[sl] = indata
# Restore the shape
out = out.reshape(view.shape)
return out
# }}}
# }}}
[docs]def splittimeaxis (var, iaxis='time'):
# {{{
'''Convert a variable with a 1D time axis into one with a 2D time axis.'''
return SplitTime (var, iaxis)
# }}}
# Join a 2D time representation (year,<everything else>) into a single
# 1D time axis.
class JoinTime(Var):
# {{{
def __init__(self, var, yaxis, daxis):
# {{{
from pygeode.var import copy_meta, Var
yaxis = var.whichaxis(yaxis)
daxis = var.whichaxis(daxis)
assert (yaxis < daxis) # need a certain order
years = var.getaxis(yaxis)
days = var.getaxis(daxis)
# Generate the joined axis
taxis = _jointime(years, days)
axes = list(var.axes)
axes = axes[:daxis] + axes[daxis+1:]
axes[yaxis] = taxis
Var.__init__(self, axes=axes, dtype=var.dtype)
self.yaxis = yaxis
self.daxis = daxis
self.var = var
# }}}
def getview (self, view, pbar):
# {{{
import numpy as np
yaxis = self.yaxis
daxis = self.daxis
# Get the requested times.
# Since the time axis is in the same position as 'years' when comparing
# the input and output vars, we can do:
taxis = yaxis
times = view.subaxis(taxis)
# Determine which years and (day-of-year?) these times correspond to
years, days = _splittime(times)
# The full input years/days
in_years = self.var.getaxis(yaxis)
in_days = self.var.getaxis(daxis)
# Get the input data
inview = view.replace_axis(taxis, years).add_axis(daxis, days,slice(None))
data = inview.get(self.var, pbar=pbar)
# Reshape the data so it has a single time axis.
# First, move the year and day axes next to each other
data = np.rollaxis(data, daxis, yaxis+1)
# Then, combine then
shape = list(data.shape)
shape = shape[:yaxis] + [-1] + shape[daxis+1:]
data = data.reshape(shape)
# Now, we may have slightly more data than we actually need
# (e.g., we may not actually want data at the start of the first year)
# Define a time axis that represents *all* the data we just got:
uber_time = _jointime(years, days)
# Slice out what we actually wanted from this
slices = [slice(None)] * data.ndim
slices[taxis] = uber_time.map_to(times)
return data[slices]
# }}}
# }}}
[docs]def jointimeaxes(var, yaxis='year', daxis='day'):
# {{{
'''Convert a variable with a 2D time axis into one with a 1D time axis.'''
return JoinTime(var, yaxis, daxis)
# }}}
del Var