# Time axis
# contains a relative time 'startdate', 'units', and 'values' (units since xxx)
# also contains an absolute time, defined by certain auxiliary arrays
# (usually 'year', 'month', 'day', 'hour', 'minute', 'second')
# NOTE: not all auxiliary fields are necessarily included, depending on the context of the time axis
#TODO: add 'weights' array in 'uniquify', so the values for things such as monthly means
# will be properly represented. I.e.,if we then do an annual mean, we'll get the
# same values as if we went directly from the instantaneous to annual mean.
# helper C extension (for things that numpy can't do easily)
from pygeode import timeaxiscore as lib
months = ['Smarch', 'Jan', 'Feb', 'Mar', 'Apr', 'May', 'Jun',
'Jul', 'Aug', 'Sep', 'Oct', 'Nov', 'Dec']
months_full = ['Smarch', 'January', 'February', 'March', 'April', 'May', 'June',
'July', 'August', 'September', 'October', 'November', 'December']
# Given a list of fields,
# return the order of indices that will sort the fields chronologically.
# Assume the fields are ordered from slowest varying to fastest varying.
def _argsort (fields):
'''return a list of indices that would sort the axis'''
import numpy as np
assert len(fields) > 0, 'nothing to sort!'
for f in fields: assert isinstance(f, np.ndarray), "bad field"
# (lexsort uses the *last* column as the slowest varying key?)
fields = fields[::-1]
S = np.lexsort(fields)
return S
# Take a list of fields (year, month, day, etc.) and return the fields with duplicates removed.
# NOTE: the fields are assumed to be pre-sorted
def _uniquify (fields):
from pygeode import timeutils
from warnings import warn
warn ("Deprecated. Use timeutils module.")
return timeutils._uniquify(fields)
# time axis
# Optional properties:
# year, month, day, hour, minute, second, ms (numpy arrays)
# (note: any of these can be ommitted, if they're not applicable)
# (i.e., a monthly mean time axis would not have day, hour, etc.)
# (superclass; use one of the subclasses defined below)
from pygeode.axis import TAxis
[docs]class Time (TAxis):
# {{{
name = 'time'
plotatts = TAxis.plotatts.copy()
plotatts['plottitle'] = ''
plotatts['plotofsfmt'] = ''
# List of valid *possible* field names for this class.
# Override in subclasses.
# Note: not necessarily *all* of these fields may be defined in a given instance.
# Allow alternate construction(s) of the model time axis
# Normal construction takes the explicit list of associated arrays
# Alternatively, take a start date, list of offset values, and units
[docs] def __init__ (self, values=None, startdate=None, units=None, **kwargs):
# {{{
from pygeode.axis import TAxis
import numpy as np
from warnings import warn
if type(self) == Time:
raise NotImplementedError("Can't instantiate Time class directly. Please use StandardTime or ModelTime365, or some other calendar-specific subclass")
assert units is not None, "child constructor did not provide units"
# For the ultra-lazy:
if isinstance(values,int): values = np.arange(values)
# Extract any auxiliary fields passed to us (i.e. year, month, etc.)
auxarrays = dict([k,np.asarray(v)] for k,v in kwargs.items() if k in self.allowed_fields)
# Generate absolute times from relative times?
if auxarrays == {}:
assert values is not None, "not enough information to construct a time axis"
# Get the associated arrays (year, month, day, etc. fields)
assert startdate is not None, "startdate required to generate the dates"
auxarrays = self.val_as_date(np.asarray(values), startdate=startdate, units=units)
# Determine the start date
# (Keep the initial start date if one was given)
if startdate is None:
startdate = {}
for aux,arr in auxarrays.items():
startdate[aux] = arr[0]
# Generate relative times from absolute times?
# (redo the 'values' array to be consistent with the absolute date/times)
# (useful for example when concatenating vars along the time axis, when
# each var has a different start date (so the 'values' being concatenated
# together are meaningless)
values = self.date_as_val(auxarrays, units=units, startdate=startdate)
# if values is None:
# values = self.date_as_val(auxarrays, units=units, startdate=startdate)
# Put the auxiliary fields back into the keyword args, to pass them to the parent constructor
for k,v in auxarrays.items(): kwargs[k] = v
del auxarrays
# Call more general init to finalize things, and register the auxiliary fields with Axis
# Also, pass the 'units' through this interface so it's a known auxiliary attribute
# (so it's automatically handled in the Axis class for things like subsetting, merging, etc.)
TAxis.__init__(self, values, units=units, startdate=startdate, **kwargs)
# TAxis.__init__(self, values, units=units, **kwargs)
# Add these as direct references in the time axis (not just in auxatts)
self.units = units
self.startdate = startdate
# }}}
# }}}
[docs] def locator(self):
# {{{
''' locator() - Returns an AutoCalendarLocator object '''
from .timeticker import AutoCalendarLocator
return AutoCalendarLocator(self)
# }}}
# Comparison
def __eq__ (self, other):
# {{{
import numpy as np
if self is other: return True
if type(self) != type(other): return False
# Different fields?
if set(self.auxarrays.keys()) != set(other.auxarrays.keys()): return False
# Different lengths?
if len(self) != len(other): return False
assert len(self.auxarrays) > 0, "how is date formed?"
# Different field values?
for k,f in self.auxarrays.items():
if not np.allclose(f,other.auxarrays[k]): return False
return True
# }}}
#TODO: remove this once Axis.map_to is set up to wrap self.common_map??
[docs] def map_to (self, other):
# {{{
''' Define a mapping between this time axis and another one, if one exists.
other : :class:`Axis` instance
Axis instance to find map to.
indices : An array of integer indices or None
If a mapping exists, an array of integer indices which define mapping
from this axis to other (i.e. self[indices] will return the elements in
the appropriate ordering for the mapped axis). Otherwise None.
A mapping from this time axis to other can exist only if they are of the
same class (e.g. :class:`StandardTime`), and if the list of auxarrays defined
in this class is a subset of those defined in the other (e.g. a climatology which
defines only 'month', and 'day' can be mapped to a time axis with 'year', 'month'
'day' and 'hour', but not one with only 'year' and 'month'.
Matches are sought between the auxiliary arrays shared by the two axes
import numpy as np
if not type(self) is type(other): return None
#isinstance(other,Time): return None
# "self" attributes must be a subset of "other" attributes
if not set(self.auxarrays.keys()) <= set(other.auxarrays.keys()):
return None
# generate search arrays
self_f, other_f = self.common_fields(other)
if len(self_f) == 0:
from warnings import warn
warn ("Time axis is poorly constructed (no actual time information is available); comparing the 'values' array instead.", stacklevel=3)
myvalues = self.values
othervalues = other.values
nfields = 1
myvalues = np.vstack(self_f).transpose()
othervalues = np.vstack(other_f).transpose()
nfields = len(self_f)
isrt = np.argsort(self.values)
#iinv = np.argsort(isrt)
indices = np.empty(len(other), 'int32')
#myvalues = np.ascontiguousarray(myvalues, dtype='int32')
myvalues = np.ascontiguousarray(myvalues[isrt, :], dtype='int32')
othervalues = np.ascontiguousarray(othervalues, dtype='int32')
ret = lib.get_indices (nfields, myvalues, len(myvalues),
othervalues, len(othervalues),
# print othervalues, "map_to", myvalues, "=>", indices
assert ret == 0
# filter out mismatched values
indices = indices[indices>=0]
# # We should have found a match, or something is wrong?
# assert len(indices) > 0, "failed to map %s to %s"%(self,other)
# It's ok to not have a match
#return indices
return isrt[indices]
# }}}
def common_map (self, other):
# {{{
'''return the indices that map common elements from one time axis to another'''
import numpy as np
# print 'common_map:'
# print self
# print other
assert self.isparentof(other) or other.isparentof(self)
self_f, other_f = self.common_fields(other)
assert len(self_f) > 0
na = len(self)
nb = len(other)
# Create the input arrays
a = np.vstack(self_f).transpose()
b = np.vstack(other_f).transpose()
# Get the sort order, with the common fields
a_ind = _argsort(self_f)
b_ind = _argsort(other_f)
# Sort the arrays
a = np.ascontiguousarray(a[a_ind,:],dtype='int32')
b = np.ascontiguousarray(b[b_ind,:],dtype='int32')
# Outputs
nmap = max(na,nb)
a_map = np.empty(nmap, 'int32')
b_map = np.empty(nmap, 'int32')
# Call the C routine
nmap = lib.common_map(len(self_f), na, a, nb, b, a_map, b_map)
# filter out unmapped indices
a_map = a_map[:nmap]
b_map = b_map[:nmap]
# convert the indices from being relative to sort order to the original order
a_map = a_ind[a_map]
b_map = b_ind[b_map]
return a_map, b_map
# }}}
# Find common fields between two time axes.
# Returns two lists - a list of arrays for the first axis, and a similar list for the second axis.
# Only the fields that are common between the two axes are returned.
# NOTE: does not compare the *values* of the fields, just the field names
# (use 'common_map' to compare the values)
def common_fields (self, other):
# {{{
assert type(self) == type(other), "axes are incompatible: %s %s"%(type(self),type(other))
assert self.allowed_fields == other.allowed_fields # should be true if the above is true
fnames = [f for f in self.allowed_fields if f in self.auxarrays and f in other.auxarrays]
return [self.auxarrays[f] for f in fnames], [other.auxarrays[f] for f in fnames]
# }}}
# Mask out certain fields from a time axis
# resolution: maximum resolution of the output 'day', 'hour', 'year', etc.)
# exclude: list of fields to remove (i.e. mask out 'year' when making a climatology axis)
# include: explicit list of fields to include (everything else is excluded)
def modify (self, resolution=None, exclude=[], include=[], uniquify=False):
from pygeode import timeutils
from warnings import warn
warn ("Deprecated. Use timeutils module.")
return timeutils.modify(self, resolution, exclude, include, uniquify)
# Get a relative time array with the given parameters
def reltime (self, startdate=None, units=None):
from pygeode import timeutils
from warnings import warn
warn ("Deprecated. Use timeutils module.")
return timeutils.reltime(self, startdate, units)
# Get time increment
# Units: day, hour, minute, second
def delta (self, units=None):
from pygeode import timeutils
from warnings import warn
warn ("Deprecated. Use timeutils module.")
return timeutils.delta(self, units)
# Helper function; normalizes date object so that all fields are within the standard range
def wrapdate(self, dt, allfields=False):
from pygeode import timeutils
from warnings import warn
warn ("Deprecated. Use timeutils module.")
return timeutils.wrapdate(self, dt, allfields)
# Helper function; returns time between two dates in specified units
def date_diff(self, dt1, dt2, units = None):
from pygeode import timeutils
from warnings import warn
warn ("Deprecated. Use timeutils module.")
return timeutils.date_diff(self, dt1, dt2, units)
# }}}
del TAxis
# A subclass of time axis which is calendar-aware
# (i.e., has a notion of years, months, days, etc.)
# Any time axis that references years, seconds, etc. is a subclass of this.
[docs]class CalendarTime(Time):
# {{{
# Format of time axis used for str/repr functions
formatstr = '$b $d, $Y $H:$M:$S'
autofmts = [(365., '$Y', ''), # Range larger than 1 year
(30. , '$d $b $Y', ''), # Larger than 1 month
(1., '$d $b', '$Y'), # Larger than 1 day
(1/24., '$H:$M', '$d $b $Y'), # Larger than 1 hour
(0. , '$H:$M:$S', '$d $b $Y')] # Less than 1 hour
# Regular expression used to parse times
parse_patterns = ['((?P<hour>\d{1,2}):(?P<minute>\d{2})(\s|:(?P<second>\d{2}))|^)(?P<day>\d{1,2}) (?P<month>[a-zA-Z]+) (?P<year>\d+)']
allowed_fields = ('year', 'month', 'day', 'hour', 'minute', 'second')
# Conversion factor for going from one unit to another
unitfactor = {'seconds':1., 'minutes':60., 'hours':3600., 'days':86400.}
# Overrides init to allow some special construction methods
[docs] def __init__(self, values=None, datefmt=None, units=None, startdate=None, **kwargs):
# {{{
from . import timeticker as tt
import numpy as np
from warnings import warn
tg = []
if 'year' in self.allowed_fields:
tg.append(tt.YearTickGen(self, [500, 300, 200, 100, 50, 30, 20, 10, 5, 3, 2, 1]))
if 'year' in self.allowed_fields and 'month' in self.allowed_fields:
tg.append(tt.MonthTickGen(self, [6, 3, 2, 1]))
if 'year' in self.allowed_fields and 'month' in self.allowed_fields and 'day' in self.allowed_fields:
tg.append(tt.DayOfMonthTickGen(self, [15, 10, 5, 3, 2, 1]))
tg.append(tt.HourTickGen(self, [12, 6, 3, 2, 1]))
tg.append(tt.MinuteTickGen(self, [30, 15, 10, 5, 3, 2, 1]))
tg.append(tt.SecondTickGen(self, [30, 15, 10, 5, 3, 2, 1]))
self.tick_generators = tg
# Fill in default values for start date
if startdate is not None:
default = dict(year=1, month=1, day=1, hour=0, minute=0, second=0)
# Only use the allowed fields for this (sub)class
default = dict([k,v] for k,v in default.items() if k in self.allowed_fields)
startdate = dict(default, **startdate)
#for k in startdate.iterkeys():
#assert k in self.allowed_fields, "%s is not an allowed field for %s"%(k,type(self))
# If any auxiliary arrays are provided, then use only those fields
if any (a in kwargs for a in self.allowed_fields):
startdate = dict([k,v] for k,v in startdate.items() if k in kwargs and k in self.allowed_fields)
# Construct date from encoded values?
#TODO: more cases, like yyyymmdd.hh?
if values is not None and datefmt is not None:
datefmt = datefmt.lower()
date = np.asarray(values, 'int64')
# Defaults
N = len(date)
one = np.ones(N)
zero = np.zeros(N)
default = dict(year=zero,month=one,day=one,hour=zero,minute=zero,second=zero)
kwargs = dict(default, **kwargs)
if datefmt == 'yyyymmddhh':
kwargs['year'], date = divmod(date, 1000000)
kwargs['month'], date = divmod(date, 10000)
kwargs['day'], date = divmod(date, 100)
kwargs['hour'] = date
elif datefmt == 'yyyymmdd':
kwargs['year'], date = divmod(date, 10000)
kwargs['month'], date = divmod(date, 100)
kwargs['day'] = date
else: raise Exception ("unrecognized date format '%s'"%datefmt)
elif values is not None and units is None:
# raise Exception ("Don't know what units to use for the given values")
# This can happen during concatenation - mismatched units may be dropped in concat(), so as a workaround, we ignore the values array and hope we have good auxarrays
warn ("No units available for the given relative values. Ignoring values array and relying on absolute date fields for initialization.", stacklevel=2)
values = None
if units is None:
warn ("No units given, using default of 'days'", stacklevel=2)
units = 'days'
if units not in self.unitfactor.keys():
raise ValueError('units ("%s") must be one of the following: %s' % (units, list(self.unitfactor.keys())))
return Time.__init__(self, values=values, units=units, startdate=startdate, **kwargs)
# }}}
def _readaxisconfig(cls, ax):
# {{{
from pygeode import _config, Axis
def get_opt(p):
# Return option for nearest class in inheritance hierarchy
# for which it is defined
c = cls
nm = c.__name__
while c is not Time:
opt = nm + '.' + p
if _config.has_option('Axes', opt):
return str(_config.get('Axes', opt))
c = c.__bases__[0]
nm = c.__name__
return None
# Read in parse pattern for time strings
patt = get_opt('parse_patterns')
if patt is not None:
pts = patt.split()
pts = [p.strip() for p in patt.split('\n') if len(p) > 0]
setattr(ax, 'parse_patterns', pts)
# }}}
# Day-of-year calculator
# (for formatvalue)
def _getdoy (self, date):
# {{{
startdate = {'month':1,'day':0,'hour':0,'minute':0,'second':0}
date.pop('year', 0)
return self.date_as_val (dates=date, startdate=startdate, units='days')
# }}}
# Number of days in a month
# Required by timeticker
[docs] def days_in_month(self, yr, mn):
# {{{
return self.date_as_val(startdate={'year':yr,'month':mn},
dates={'year':yr,'month':mn+1}, units='days')
# }}}
# }}}
[docs] def str_as_val(self, key, s):
# {{{
''' Converts a string representation of a date to a value according to the
calendar defined by this time axis.
key : string
key used in select()
s : string
string to convert
val : value
value corresponding to specified date.
The string is parsed using the regular expression pattern(s) defined in
:attr:`~timeaxis.CalendarTime.parse_patterns`. By default this assumes
a string in an ISO 8601-like format, or in the form '12 Dec 2008' or '06:00:00 1
Jan 1979'. A ValueError is thrown if the regular expression does not
match the string.'''
return self.date_as_val(self.str_as_date(key, s))
# }}}
def str_as_date(self, key, s):
# {{{
''' Converts a string representation of a date to a dictionary according to the
calendar defined by this time axis.
key : string
key used in select()
s : string
string to convert
val : value
value corresponding to specified date.
The string is parsed using the regular expression pattern(s) defined in
:attr:`~timeaxis.CalendarTime.parse_patterns`. By default this assumes
a string in ISO8601 format, or in the form '12 Dec 2008' or '06:00:00 1
Jan 1979'. A ValueError is thrown if the regular expression does not
match the string.'''
import re
for patt in self.parse_patterns:
res = re.search(patt, s)
if res is not None: break
if res is None:
raise ValueError('String "%s" not recognized as a time')
d = {}
for k, v in res.groupdict().items():
if k in ['hour', 'minute', 'second', 'day', 'year']:
if v is not None: d[k] = int(v)
elif k == 'month' and v is not None:
lmonths = [m.lower() for m in months]
if v.lower() in lmonths:
d[k] = lmonths.index(v.lower())
d[k] = int(v)
return d
# }}}
# Convert a date dictionary to a tuple - fill in missing fields with defaults
def _get_dates (dates, use_arrays = None):
# {{{
import numpy as np
if use_arrays is None: use_arrays = any(hasattr(d,'__len__') and len(d) != 1 for d in dates.values())
if use_arrays:
assert all(hasattr(d,'__len__') for d in dates.values())
n = set(len(d) for d in dates.values())
assert len(n) == 1, 'inconsistent array lengths'
n = n.pop()
zeros = np.zeros(n, 'int32') if use_arrays else 0
ones = np.ones(n, 'int32') if use_arrays else 1
assert all([(hasattr(d,'__len__') and len(d) == 1) or \
not hasattr(d, '__len__') for d in dates.values()])
zeros = 0
ones = 1
year = dates.get('year', zeros)
month = dates.get('month', ones)
day = dates.get('day', ones)
hour = dates.get('hour', zeros)
minute = dates.get('minute', zeros)
second = dates.get('second', zeros)
if not use_arrays:
def scalar(a):
if hasattr(a, '__len__'): return int(a[0])
else: return int(a)
# Fuck you, numpy scalars!
year = scalar(year)
month = scalar(month)
day = scalar(day)
hour = scalar(hour)
minute = scalar(minute)
second = scalar(second)
return year, month, day, hour, minute, second
# }}}
# Convert a relative time array to an absolute time
# Dictionary of years, months, etc. from a relative time axis
[docs] def val_as_date (self, vals = None, startdate = None, units = None, allfields=False):
# {{{
import numpy as np
if vals is None: vals = self.values
if startdate is None: startdate = self.startdate
if units is None: units = self.units
iyear, imonth, iday, ihour, iminute, isecond = self._get_dates(startdate)
had_array = hasattr(vals,'__len__')
vals = np.asarray(vals)
values = np.ascontiguousarray(np.round(vals.astype('float64') * self.unitfactor[units]), dtype='int64')
n = len(values)
year = np.empty(n, dtype='int32')
month = np.empty(n, dtype='int32')
day = np.empty(n, dtype='int32')
hour = np.empty(n, dtype='int32')
minute = np.empty(n, dtype='int32')
second = np.empty(n, dtype='int32')
self._val_as_date (n, iyear, imonth, iday, ihour, iminute, isecond,
year, month, day,
hour, minute, second)
date = {'year':year, 'month':month, 'day':day, 'hour':hour, 'minute':minute, 'second':second}
if not allfields:
# Remove fields that weren't explicitly provided?
date = dict([k,v] for k,v in date.items() if k in startdate)
if not had_array:
date = dict([k,v[0]] for k,v in date.items())
return date
# }}}
# Convert an absolute time to a relative time
[docs] def date_as_val (self, dates = None, startdate = None, units = None):
# {{{
import numpy as np
if dates is None: dates = self.auxarrays
if startdate is None: startdate = self.startdate
if units is None: units = self.units
iyear, imonth, iday, ihour, iminute, isecond = self._get_dates(startdate, use_arrays = False)
year, month, day, hour, minute, second = self._get_dates(dates)
year = np.ascontiguousarray(year, dtype='int32')
month = np.ascontiguousarray(month, dtype='int32')
day = np.ascontiguousarray(day, dtype='int32')
hour = np.ascontiguousarray(hour, dtype='int32')
minute = np.ascontiguousarray(minute, dtype='int32')
second = np.ascontiguousarray(second, dtype='int32')
n = len(year)
vals = np.empty(n, dtype='int64')
ret = self._date_as_val (n, iyear, imonth, iday, ihour, iminute, isecond,
year, month, day,
hour, minute, second,
assert ret == 0
# Were we passed a single date? If so, return a scalar
if not hasattr(list(dates.values())[0], '__len__'): vals = vals[0]
return vals / self.unitfactor[units]
# }}}
# }}}
# Specific calendars follow:
#NOTE: majority of calendar manipulation has been moved to a C interface (timeaxis.c)
# Standard time (with leap years)
[docs]class StandardTime(CalendarTime):
# {{{
''' Time axis describing the standard Gregorian calendar. '''
_val_as_date = lib.val_as_date_std
_date_as_val = lib.date_as_val_std
# }}}
# Model time (365-day calendar)
[docs]class ModelTime365(CalendarTime):
# {{{
''' Time axis describing a model 365-day calendar. '''
_date_as_val = lib.date_as_val_365
_val_as_date = lib.val_as_date_365
# }}}
# Model time (360-day calendar)
[docs]class ModelTime360(CalendarTime):
# {{{
''' Time axis describing a model 360-day calendar. '''
autofmts = [(360., '$Y', ''), # Range larger than 1 year
(30. , '$b $Y', ''), # Larger than 1 month
(1., '$d $b', '$Y'), # Larger than 1 day
(1/24., '$H:$M', '$d $b $Y'), # Larger than 1 hour
(0. , '$H:$M:$S', '$d $b $Y')] # Less than 1 hour
_date_as_val = lib.date_as_val_360
_val_as_date = lib.val_as_date_360
# }}}
# Seasonal time axis
# (only has 'syear' and 'season' auxiliary arrays)
#TODO: add this to cfmeta package, so seasonal data can be saved/loaded
def makeSeasonalAxis(Base):
# {{{
class SeasonalTime(Base):
import numpy as np
allowed_fields = ('year','season')
formatstr = '$s $y'
autofmts = [(360., '$Y', ''), # Range larger than 1 year
(0. , '$s $Y', '')] # Less than 1 year
# For now seasonal definitions are hard coded
nseasons = 4
seasons = ['DJF', 'MAM', 'JJA', 'SON']
season_boundaries = [(-30,60),(60,152),(152,244),(244,335)]
cdates = {'dyear':np.array([0, 0, 0, 0]),
'day':np.array([16, 15, 16, 16])}
plotatts = Base.plotatts.copy()
# Generate year and season array
# Note: year gets fudged for Decembers, to keep the seasons together
# Convention: December 2006 -> DJF 2007
def _get_seasons (self, dates):
# {{{
import numpy as np
year, month, day, hour, minute, second = Base._get_dates(dates)
doy = Base._getdoy(self, dates) # Base season on day of the year (no support for leap years(!))
if hasattr(year, '__len__'):
season = np.zeros(len(year), 'i')
for i, s in enumerate(self.season_boundaries):
mplus = (s[0] <= doy - 365) & (doy - 365 < s[1])
m = (s[0] <= doy) & (doy < s[1])
mminus = (s[0] <= doy + 365) & (doy + 365 < s[1])
year[mplus] += 1
year[mminus] -= 1
season[mplus | m | mminus] = i + 1
for i, s in enumerate(self.season_boundaries):
if s[0] <= doy - 365 < s[1]: year += 1; season = i + 1
elif s[0] <= doy < s[1]: season = i + 1
elif s[0] <= doy + 365 < s[1]: year -= 1; season = i + 1
return {'year':year, 'season':season}
# }}}
def _get_cdates(self, dates):
# {{{
''' _get_cdates(self, dates): returns central calendar dates of the seasonal dates given in the
dictionary of dates.'''
import numpy as np
use_arrays = any(hasattr(d,'__len__') for d in dates.values())
if use_arrays:
assert all(hasattr(d,'__len__') for d in dates.values())
n = set(len(d) for d in dates.values())
assert len(n) == 1, 'inconsistent array lengths'
n = n.pop()
zeros = np.zeros(n, 'int32')
ones = np.ones(n, 'int32')
zeros = 0
ones = 1
year = dates.get('year', zeros)
season = dates.get('season', ones)
year += (season - 1) // self.nseasons
season = (season - 1) % self.nseasons
year += self.cdates['dyear'][season]
month = self.cdates['month'][season]
day = self.cdates['day'][season]
return {'year':year, 'month':month, 'day':day, 'hour':zeros, 'minute':zeros, 'second':zeros}
# }}}
def __init__ (self, values=None, units=None, startdate=None, **kwargs):
# {{{
from . import timeticker as tt
if 'year' in self.allowed_fields:
tg.append(tt.YearTickGen(self, [500, 300, 200, 100, 50, 30, 20, 10, 5, 3, 2, 1]))
tg.append(tt.SeasonTickGen(self, [2, 1]))
self.tick_generators = tg
# Fill in default values for start date; this works slightly differently than for CalendarTime
if startdate is not None:
default = dict(year=1, month=1, day=1, hour=0, minute=0, second=0)
startdate = dict(default, **startdate)
if 'season' in kwargs and 'year' not in kwargs: startdate.pop('year', 0)
# Use days as default units
if units is None: units = 'days'
Time.__init__(self, values=values, startdate=startdate, units=units, **kwargs)
# Check for the presence of auxarrays that aren't in allowed fields
for k in self.auxarrays.keys():
assert k in self.allowed_fields, "%s is not an allowed field for %s"%(k,type(self))
# }}}
def formatvalue (self, value, fmt=None, units=True, unitstr=None):
# {{{
Returns formatted string representation of ``value``, using a strftime-like
value : float or int
Value to format, in calendar defined by this time axis.
fmt : string (optional)
Format specification. If the default ``None`` is specified,
``self.formatstr`` is used.
units : boolean (optional)
Not used;, included for consistency with :func:`Var.formatvalue`
unitstr : string (optional)
Not used;, included for consistency with :func:`Var.formatvalue`
The following codes ($$ will yield the character $):
$s - season name
$y - 2 digit year
$Y - 4 digit year
$v - value formatted with %d
$V - value formatted with str()
import numpy as np
from string import Template
dt = self.val_as_date(value)
subs = {}
# Build substitution dictionary
if 'year' in dt:
y = dt['year']
subs['y'] = '%02d' % (y % 100)
subs['Y'] = '%d' % y
subs['y'], subs['Y'] = '', ''
if 'season' in dt:
s = dt['season']
subs['s'] = self.seasons[s-1]
s = 0
subs['s'] = ''
subs['v'] = '%d' % value
subs['V'] = str(value)
if fmt is None:
fmt = self.formatstr
return Template(fmt).substitute(subs)
# }}}
def val_as_date (self, vals = None, startdate = None, units = None, allfields=False):
# {{{
if vals is None: vals = self.values
if startdate is None: startdate = self.startdate
date = Base.val_as_date(self, vals, startdate, units, allfields)
date = self._get_seasons(date)
# Remove year field if not explicitly provided
if not allfields and 'year' not in startdate: date.pop('year', 0)
return date
# }}}
def date_as_val (self, dates = None, startdate = None, units = None):
# {{{
if dates is None: dates = self.auxarrays
if startdate is None: startdate = self.startdate
if 'season' in list(dates.keys()): dates = self._get_cdates(dates)
return Base.date_as_val(self, dates, startdate, units)
# }}}
SeasonalTime.__name__ = 'Seasonal'+Base.__name__
return SeasonalTime
# }}}
SeasonalStandardTime = makeSeasonalAxis(StandardTime)
SeasonalModelTime365 = makeSeasonalAxis(ModelTime365)
SeasonalTAxes = {StandardTime:SeasonalStandardTime,
# Yearless calendar
# Kludges the CalendarTime axis so it has no years or months, just a running count of days
[docs]class Yearless(CalendarTime):
# {{{
''' Time axis describing a calendar with no months or years. '''
# Format of time axis used for str/repr functions
plotatts = CalendarTime.plotatts.copy()
plotatts['plotfmt'] = '$d'
formatstr = 'day $d, $H:$M:$S'
autofmts = [(1., '$d', ''), # Larger than 1 day
(1/24., '$H:$M', 'day $d'), # Larger than 1 hour
(0. , '$H:$M:$S', 'day $d')] # Less than 1 hour
allowed_fields = ('day', 'hour', 'minute', 'second')
# Regular expression used to parse times
parse_patterns = ['((?P<hour>\d{1,2}):(?P<minute>\d{2})(\s|:(?P<second>\d{2}))|^)(?P<day>\d{1,2})']
_date_as_val = lib.date_as_val_yearless
_val_as_date = lib.val_as_date_yearless
# Day-of-year calculator
# (for formatvalue)
def _getdoy (self, date):
# {{{
raise Exception("ain't got no years!")
# return "<doy??>"
# }}}
# Number of days in a month
# Required by timeticker
[docs] def days_in_month(self, yr, mn):
# {{{
raise Exception("ain't got no months!")
# return "<days_in_month??>"
# }}}
[docs] def __init__ (self, *args, **kwargs):
from . import timeticker as tt
CalendarTime.__init__(self, *args, **kwargs)
tg = []
tg.append(tt.DayTickGen(self, [10000, 5000, 3000, 2000, 1000, 500, 300, 200, 100, 50, 30, 10, 5, 3, 2, 1]))
tg.append(tt.HourTickGen(self, [12, 6, 3, 2, 1]))
tg.append(tt.MinuteTickGen(self, [30, 15, 10, 5, 3, 2, 1]))
tg.append(tt.SecondTickGen(self, [30, 15, 10, 5, 3, 2, 1]))
self.tick_generators = tg
# }}}
# Helper functions
[docs]def standardtimerange(start, end, step=1, units='days', ref=None, inc=False):
# {{{
r'''Creates a :class:`StandardTime` axis for the period from start to end.
start : string
Date to start time axis from (see :meth:`~timeaxis.CalendarTime.str_as_val`)
end : string
Date to end time axis at. Note this date will not be included.
step : float, optional
Interval between grid points. Default is 1.
units : one of 'seconds', 'minutes', 'hours', 'days', optional
Unit in which to define time step values. Default is 'days'.
ref : string, optional
Reference date for calendar. If the default None is specified, start is used.
inc : boolean, optional (default False)
from .timeutils import date_diff
import numpy as np
tdum = StandardTime(values=[0], units=units, startdate=dict(year=1, month=1))
s = tdum.str_as_date(None, start)
e = tdum.str_as_date(None, end)
if ref is None: f = s
else: f = tdum.str_as_date(None, ref)
n = date_diff(tdum, s, e, units)
o = date_diff(tdum, f, s, units)
if inc: vals = np.arange(0, n + step, step) + o
else: vals = np.arange(0, n, step) + o
return StandardTime(values=vals, units=units, startdate=f)
# }}}
[docs]def standardtimen(start, n, step=1, units='days', ref=None):
# {{{
r'''Creates a :class:`StandardTime` axis of length n.
start : string
Date to start time axis from (see :meth:`~timeaxis.CalendarTime.str_as_val`)
n : integer
Length of axis to create
step : float, optional
Interval between grid points. Default is 1.
units : one of 'seconds', 'minutes', 'hours', 'days', optional
Unit in which to define time step values. Default is 'days'.
ref : string, optional
Reference date for calendar. If the default None is specified, start is used.
from .timeutils import date_diff
import numpy as np
tdum = StandardTime(values=[0], units=units, startdate=dict(year=1, month=1))
s = tdum.str_as_date(None, start)
if ref is None: f = s
else: f = tdum.str_as_date(None, ref)
o = date_diff(tdum, f, s, units)
vals = np.arange(0, n*step, step) + o
return StandardTime(values=vals, units=units, startdate=f)
# }}}
[docs]def modeltime365range(start, end, step=1, units='days', ref=None, inc=False):
# {{{
r'''Creates a :class:`ModelTime365` axis for the period from start to end.
start : string
Date to start time axis from (see :meth:`~timeaxis.CalendarTime.str_as_val`)
end : string
Date to end time axis at. Note this date will not be included.
step : float, optional
Interval between grid points. Default is 1.
units : one of 'seconds', 'minutes', 'hours', 'days', optional
Unit in which to define time step values. Default is 'days'.
ref : string, optional
Reference date for calendar. If the default None is specified, start is used.
inc : boolean, optional (default False)
from .timeutils import date_diff
import numpy as np
tdum = ModelTime365(values=[0], units=units, startdate=dict(year=1, month=1))
s = tdum.str_as_date(None, start)
e = tdum.str_as_date(None, end)
if ref is None: f = s
else: f = tdum.str_as_date(None, ref)
n = date_diff(tdum, s, e, units)
o = date_diff(tdum, f, s, units)
if inc: vals = np.arange(0, n + step, step) + o
else: vals = np.arange(0, n, step) + o
return ModelTime365(values=vals, units=units, startdate=f)
# }}}
[docs]def modeltime365n(start, n, step=1, units='days', ref=None):
# {{{
r'''Creates a :class:`ModelTime365` axis of length n.
start : string
Date to start time axis from (see :meth:`~timeaxis.CalendarTime.str_as_val`)
n : integer
Length of axis to create
step : float, optional
Interval between grid points. Default is 1.
units : one of 'seconds', 'minutes', 'hours', 'days', optional
Unit in which to define time step values. Default is 'days'.
ref : string, optional
Reference date for calendar. If the default None is specified, start is used.
from .timeutils import date_diff
import numpy as np
tdum = ModelTime365(values=[0], units=units, startdate=dict(year=1, month=1))
s = tdum.str_as_date(None, start)
if ref is None: f = s
else: f = tdum.str_as_date(None, ref)
o = date_diff(tdum, f, s, units)
vals = np.arange(0, n*step, step) + o
return ModelTime365(values=vals, units=units, startdate=f)
# }}}
[docs]def modeltime360range(start, end, step=1, units='days', ref=None, inc=False):
# {{{
r'''Creates a :class:`ModelTime360` axis for the period from start to end.
start : string
Date to start time axis from (see :meth:`~timeaxis.CalendarTime.str_as_val`)
end : string
Date to end time axis at. Note this date will not be included.
step : float, optional
Interval between grid points. Default is 1.
units : one of 'seconds', 'minutes', 'hours', 'days', optional
Unit in which to define time step values. Default is 'days'.
ref : string, optional
Reference date for calendar. If the default None is specified, start is used.
inc : boolean, optional (default False)
from .timeutils import date_diff
import numpy as np
tdum = ModelTime360(values=[0], units=units, startdate=dict(year=1, month=1))
s = tdum.str_as_date(None, start)
e = tdum.str_as_date(None, end)
if ref is None: f = s
else: f = tdum.str_as_date(None, ref)
n = date_diff(tdum, s, e, units)
o = date_diff(tdum, f, s, units)
if inc: vals = np.arange(0, n + step, step) + o
else: vals = np.arange(0, n, step) + o
return ModelTime360(values=vals, units=units, startdate=f)
# }}}
[docs]def modeltime360n(start, n, step=1, units='days', ref=None):
# {{{
r'''Creates a :class:`ModelTime360` axis of length n.
start : string
Date to start time axis from (see :meth:`~timeaxis.CalendarTime.str_as_val`)
n : integer
Length of axis to create
step : float, optional
Interval between grid points. Default is 1.
units : one of 'seconds', 'minutes', 'hours', 'days', optional
Unit in which to define time step values. Default is 'days'.
ref : string, optional
Reference date for calendar. If the default None is specified, start is used.
from .timeutils import date_diff
import numpy as np
tdum = ModelTime360(values=[0], units=units, startdate=dict(year=1, month=1))
s = tdum.str_as_date(None, start)
if ref is None: f = s
else: f = tdum.str_as_date(None, ref)
o = date_diff(tdum, f, s, units)
vals = np.arange(0, n*step, step) + o
return ModelTime360(values=vals, units=units, startdate=f)
# }}}
[docs]def yearlessn(n, start=1, step=1, units='days'):
# {{{
r'''Creates a :class:`Yearless` axis of length n.
start : string
Date to start time axis from (see :meth:`~timeaxis.CalendarTime.str_as_val`)
n : integer
Length of axis to create
step : float, optional
Interval between grid points. Default is 1.
units : one of 'seconds', 'minutes', 'hours', 'days', optional
Unit in which to define time step values. Default is 'days'.
import numpy as np
vals = np.arange(0, n*step, step)
return Yearless(values=vals, units=units, startdate=dict(day=start))
# }}}
__all__ = ['StandardTime', 'ModelTime365', 'ModelTime360', 'Yearless', 'standardtimerange', \
'standardtimen', 'modeltime365range', 'modeltime365n', 'modeltime360range', 'modeltime360n', \