# Wrapper for matplotlib.pyplot
from matplotlib import pyplot as pyl
import matplotlib as mpl
# Allows plots to be constructed in a slightly more object-oriented way.
# Also allows plot objects to be saved to / loaded from files, something which
# normal matplotlib plots can't do.
# Interface for wrapping a matplotlib axes object
[docs]class AxesWrapper:
# {{{
def __init__(self, parent=None, rect=None, size=None, pad=None, make_axis=False, name='', **kwargs):
# {{{
self.parent = parent
self.nplots = 0
self.plots = []
self.make_axis = make_axis
self.naxes = 0
self.axes = []
self.ax_boxes = []
if rect is None:
rect = [pyl.rcParams['figure.subplot.' + k] for k in ['left', 'bottom', 'right', 'top']]
rect[2] -= rect[0]
rect[3] -= rect[1]
self.rect = rect
self.pad = pad
if size is None: size = pyl.rcParams['figure.figsize']
self.size = (float(size[0]), float(size[1]))
self.args = {}
self.axes_args = kwargs
self.projection = None
self.xaxis_args = {}
self.yaxis_args = {}
self.name = name
# }}}
def add_axis(self, axis, rect):
# {{{
bb = mpl.transforms.Bbox.from_extents(rect)
assert all([s > 0. for s in bb.size]), 'Bounding box must not vanish'
axis.parent = self
self.naxes = len(self.axes)
# }}}
def add_plot(self, plot, order=None, make_axes=True):
# {{{
plot.axes = self
if order is None:
self.plots.insert(plot, order)
if make_axes: self.make_axis = True
self.nplots = len(self.plots)
# }}}
def pop_plot(self, order=-1):
# {{{
self.nplots = len(self.plots)
# }}}
def render(self, fig = None, show = True, **kwargs):
# {{{
wason = pyl.isinteractive()
if wason: pyl.ioff()
if not isinstance(fig, mpl.figure.Figure):
figparm = dict(figsize = self.size)
if not fig is None:
figparm['num'] = fig
fig = pyl.figure(**figparm)
self._build_axes(fig, self)
if wason:
if show:
# Check if the current backend has a GUI
if mpl.get_backend() in mpl.rcsetup.interactive_bk + ['module://ipympl.backend_nbagg', 'nbAgg']:
return fig
# }}}
def get_transform(self, root = None):
# {{{
if self is root or self.parent is None:
return mpl.transforms.IdentityTransform()
ia = self.parent.axes.index(self)
rect = self.parent.ax_boxes[ia]
box = mpl.transforms.Bbox.from_extents(rect)
t_self = mpl.transforms.BboxTransformTo(box)
t_parent = self.parent.get_transform()
return mpl.transforms.CompositeAffine2D(t_self, t_parent)
# }}}
def _build_axes(self, fig, root):
# {{{
if self.make_axis:
tfm = self.get_transform(root)
if self.pad is not None:
l, b = tfm.transform_point((0., 0.))
r, t = tfm.transform_point((1., 1.))
#print l, b, r, t
fsize = fig.get_size_inches()
l += self.pad[0] / fsize[0]
b += self.pad[1] / fsize[1]
w = r - l - self.pad[2] / fsize[0]
h = t - b - self.pad[3] / fsize[1]
l, b = self.rect[0], self.rect[1]
r, t = self.rect[0] + self.rect[2], self.rect[1] + self.rect[3]
l, b = tfm.transform_point((l, b))
r, t = tfm.transform_point((r, t))
w = r - l
h = t - b
self.ax = fig.add_axes([l, b, w, h], projection = self.projection)
self.ax = None
# Build children
for a in self.axes: a._build_axes(fig, root)
#Draw bounding boxes of children for debugging purposes
#if root is self:
#ax = pyl.gca()
#for b in self.ax_boxes:
#xy = b[0], b[1]
#w = b[2] - b[0]
#h = b[3] - b[1]
#ax.add_patch(pyl.Rectangle(xy, w, h, lw=2., fill=False, transform=fig.transFigure, clip_on=False))
# }}}
def _do_plots(self, fig):
# {{{
# Plot children
for a in self.axes: a._do_plots(fig)
if self.ax is None: return
preops = [p for p in self.plots if p.pre]
postops = [p for p in self.plots if not p.pre]
# Perform plotting operations
for p in preops:
# Handle scaling first, because setting this screws up other custom attributes like ticks
args = self.args.copy()
if 'xscale' in args: self.ax.set_xscale(args.pop('xscale'))
if 'yscale' in args: self.ax.set_yscale(args.pop('yscale'))
if len(args) > 0: pyl.setp(self.ax, **args)
if len(self.xaxis_args) > 0: pyl.setp(self.ax.xaxis, **self.xaxis_args)
if len(self.yaxis_args) > 0: pyl.setp(self.ax.yaxis, **self.yaxis_args)
# Perform plotting operations
for p in postops:
# }}}
def setp(self, children=True, **kwargs):
# {{{
if children:
for a in self.axes: a.setp(children, **kwargs)
# }}}
def setp_xaxis(self, children=True, **kwargs):
# {{{
if children:
for a in self.axes: a.setp_xaxis(children, **kwargs)
# }}}
def setp_yaxis(self, children=True, **kwargs):
# {{{
if children:
for a in self.axes: a.setp_yaxis(children, **kwargs)
# }}}
def find_plot(self, cl):
# {{{
''' Returns last instance of plot class cl in this axes plots. '''
for p in reversed(self.plots):
if isinstance(p, cl): return p
return None
# }}}
# }}}
# Generic object for holding plot information
class PlotOp:
# {{{
def __init__(self, *plot_args, **kwargs):
self.plot_args = plot_args
self.plot_kwargs = kwargs
self.axes = None
self.pre = True
# Draw the thing
# This is pretty much the only public-facing method.
def render (self, axes=None):
# }}}
# 1D plots
class Plot(PlotOp):
# {{{
def render (self, axes):
axes.plot (*self.plot_args, **self.plot_kwargs)
#print 'Autoscaling.'
# }}}
class FillBetween(PlotOp):
# {{{
def render (self, axes):
axes.fill_between(*self.plot_args, **self.plot_kwargs)
# }}}
class Scatter(PlotOp):
# {{{
def render (self, axes):
axes.scatter (*self.plot_args, **self.plot_kwargs)
# }}}
class Errorbar(PlotOp):
# {{{
def render (self, axes):
axes.errorbar (*self.plot_args, **self.plot_kwargs)
# }}}
class Bar(PlotOp):
# {{{
def render (self, axes):
axes.bar (*self.plot_args, **self.plot_kwargs)
# }}}
class Histogram(PlotOp):
# {{{
def render (self, axes):
axes.hist (*self.plot_args, **self.plot_kwargs)
# }}}
class AxHLine(PlotOp):
# {{{
def render (self, axes):
axes.axhline (*self.plot_args, **self.plot_kwargs)
# }}}
class AxVLine(PlotOp):
# {{{
def render (self, axes):
axes.axvline (*self.plot_args, **self.plot_kwargs)
# }}}
class Legend(PlotOp):
# {{{
def render (self, axes):
axes.legend (*self.plot_args, **self.plot_kwargs)
# }}}
class Text(PlotOp):
# {{{
def render (self, axes):
kwargs = self.plot_kwargs.copy()
tr = kwargs.pop('transform', 'Data')
if tr == 'Axes': kwargs['transform'] = axes.transAxes
if tr == 'Data': kwargs['transform'] = axes.transData
axes.text (*self.plot_args, **kwargs)
# }}}
# Contour
class Contour(PlotOp):
# {{{
def render (self, axes):
self._cnt = axes.contour (*self.plot_args, **self.plot_kwargs)
# }}}
# Filled Contour
class Contourf(PlotOp):
# {{{
def render (self, axes):
self._cnt = axes.contourf (*self.plot_args, **self.plot_kwargs)
# }}}
# Op to modify contours
class ModifyContours(PlotOp):
# {{{
def __init__(self, cnt, ind=None, **kwargs):
self.cnt = cnt
self.ind = ind
PlotOp.__init__(self, **kwargs)
def render (self, axes):
coll = self.cnt._cnt.collections
if self.ind is None: pyl.setp(coll, **self.plot_kwargs)
else: pyl.setp([coll[i] for i in self.ind], **self.plot_kwargs)
# }}}
# Op to add contour labels
class CLabel(PlotOp):
# {{{
def __init__(self, cnt, **kwargs):
self.cnt = cnt
PlotOp.__init__(self, **kwargs)
self.pre = False
def render (self, axes):
pyl.clabel(self.cnt._cnt, **self.plot_kwargs)
# }}}
# PColor
class PColor(PlotOp):
# {{{
def render (self, axes):
self._cnt = axes.pcolor (*self.plot_args, **self.plot_kwargs)
# }}}
# Streamplot
class Streamplot(PlotOp):
# {{{
def render (self, axes):
self._sp = axes.streamplot (*self.plot_args, **self.plot_kwargs)
# }}}
# Quiver
class Quiver(PlotOp):
# {{{
def render (self, axes):
self._cnt = axes.quiver (*self.plot_args, **self.plot_kwargs)
# }}}
# Op to add a quiver key
class QuiverKey(PlotOp):
# {{{
def __init__(self, cnt, *args, **kwargs):
self.cnt = cnt
PlotOp.__init__(self, *args, **kwargs)
def render (self, axes):
pyl.quiverkey(self.cnt._cnt, *self.plot_args, **self.plot_kwargs)
# }}}
# imshow
class ImShow(PlotOp):
# {{{
def render (self, axes):
self._cnt = axes.imshow (*self.plot_args, **self.plot_kwargs)
# }}}
# Colorbar
class Colorbar(PlotOp):
# {{{
def __init__(self, cnt, cax, *plot_args, **kwargs):
self.cnt = cnt
self.cax = cax
self.lcnt = kwargs.pop('lcnt', None)
PlotOp.__init__(self, *plot_args, **kwargs)
def render (self, axes):
self._cbar = pyl.colorbar(self.cnt._cnt, cax=self.cax.ax, *self.plot_args, **self.plot_kwargs)
if self.lcnt is not None: self._cbar.add_lines(self.lcnt._cnt)
# }}}
def colorbar(axes, cnt, cax=None, rect=None, *args, **kwargs):
# {{{
if cax is None:
pos = kwargs.pop('pos', 'r')
if pos in ['r', 'l']: orient = kwargs.get('orientation', 'vertical')
if pos in ['b', 't']: orient = kwargs.get('orientation', 'horizontal')
kwargs['orientation'] = orient
if orient == 'horizontal':
height = kwargs.pop('height', 0.4)
size = axes.size[0], height
if rect is None:
l = kwargs.pop('rl', 0.15)
b = kwargs.pop('rb', 0.5)
r = kwargs.pop('rr', 0.75)
t = kwargs.pop('rt', 0.4)
rect = [l, b, r, t]
width = kwargs.pop('width', 0.8)
size = width, axes.size[1]
if rect is None:
l = kwargs.pop('rl', 0.1)
b = kwargs.pop('rb', 0.15)
r = kwargs.pop('rr', 0.2)
t = kwargs.pop('rt', 0.75)
rect = [l, b, r, t]
cax = AxesWrapper(size=size, rect=rect, make_axis=True)
if pos == 'b': ret = grid([[axes], [cax]])
elif pos == 'l': ret = grid([[cax, axes]])
elif pos == 't': ret = grid([[cax], [axes]])
else: ret = grid([[axes, cax]])
else: ret = None
ticklabels = kwargs.pop('ticklabels', None)
kwargs['spacing'] = kwargs.pop('spacing', 'proportional')
cnt.axes.add_plot(Colorbar(cnt, cax, *args, **kwargs))
if ticklabels is not None:
if orient == 'horizontal':
cax.setp(xticklabels = ticklabels)
cax.setp(yticklabels = ticklabels)
return ret
# }}}
def make_plot_func(fclass, make_axes=True):
def f(*args, **kwargs):
axes = kwargs.pop('axes', None)
if axes is None: axes = AxesWrapper()
plotop = fclass(*args, **kwargs)
axes.add_plot(plotop, make_axes=make_axes)
return plotop
return f
def make_plot_member(f):
def g(self, *args, **kwargs):
return f(*args, axes = self, **kwargs)
return g
plot = make_plot_func(Plot)
fill_between = make_plot_func(FillBetween)
scatter = make_plot_func(Scatter)
errorbar = make_plot_func(Errorbar)
bar = make_plot_func(Bar)
hist = make_plot_func(Histogram)
axhline = make_plot_func(AxHLine)
axvline = make_plot_func(AxVLine)
legend = make_plot_func(Legend)
text = make_plot_func(Text, make_axes=False)
contour = make_plot_func(Contour)
contourf = make_plot_func(Contourf)
modifycontours = make_plot_func(ModifyContours)
clabel = make_plot_func(CLabel)
pcolor = make_plot_func(PColor)
streamplot = make_plot_func(Streamplot)
quiver = make_plot_func(Quiver)
quiverkey = make_plot_func(QuiverKey)
imshow = make_plot_func(ImShow)
__all__ = ['AxesWrapper', 'plot', 'fill_between', 'scatter', 'errorbar', 'bar', 'hist', 'axhline', 'axvline', 'legend', 'text', 'contour', 'contourf', 'pcolor', 'quiver', 'quiverkey', 'imshow', 'colorbar']
AxesWrapper.plot = make_plot_member(plot)
AxesWrapper.fill_between = make_plot_member(fill_between)
AxesWrapper.scatter = make_plot_member(scatter)
AxesWrapper.errorbar = make_plot_member(errorbar)
AxesWrapper.bar = make_plot_member(bar)
AxesWrapper.hist = make_plot_member(hist)
AxesWrapper.axhline = make_plot_member(axhline)
AxesWrapper.axvline = make_plot_member(axvline)
AxesWrapper.legend = make_plot_member(legend)
AxesWrapper.text = make_plot_member(text)
AxesWrapper.contour = make_plot_member(contour)
AxesWrapper.contourf = make_plot_member(contourf)
AxesWrapper.modifycontours = make_plot_member(modifycontours)
AxesWrapper.clabel = make_plot_member(clabel)
AxesWrapper.pcolor = make_plot_member(pcolor)
AxesWrapper.streamplot = make_plot_member(streamplot)
AxesWrapper.quiver = make_plot_member(quiver)
AxesWrapper.quiverkey = make_plot_member(quiverkey)
AxesWrapper.imshow = make_plot_member(imshow)
# Routine for saving this plot to a file
def save (fig, filename):
# {{{
import pickle
outfile = open(filename,'w')
pickle.dump(fig, outfile)
# }}}
# Module-level routine for loading a plot from file
def load (filename):
# {{{
import pickle
infile = open(filename,'ro')
theplot = pickle.load(infile)
return theplot
# }}}
[docs]def grid(axes, size = None):
# {{{
# Expect a 2d grid; first index is the row, second the column
ny = len(axes)
nx = len(axes[0])
assert all([len(x) == nx for x in axes[1:]]), 'Each row must have the same number of axes'
rowh = [max([a.size[1] for a in row if a is not None]) for row in axes]
colw = [max([axes[i][j].size[0] for i in range(ny) if axes[i][j] is not None]) for j in range(nx)]
tsize = [float(sum(colw)), float(sum(rowh))]
if size is None: size = tsize
Ax = AxesWrapper(size = size)
x, y = 0., 1.
for i in range(ny):
for j in range(nx):
ax = axes[i][j]
if ax is not None:
w = ax.size[0] / tsize[0]
px = (colw[j] - ax.size[0]) / tsize[0] / 2.
h = ax.size[1] / tsize[1]
py = (rowh[i] - ax.size[1]) / tsize[1] / 2.
r = [x + px, y - h - py, x + w + px, y - py]
Ax.add_axis(ax, r)
x += colw[j] / tsize[0]
x = 0.
y -= rowh[i] / tsize[1]
return Ax
# }}}
def annotate(axes, text, pos='b'):
# {{{
size = axes.size[0], axes.size[1] + 0.5
Ax = AxesWrapper(size=size)
r = (0, 0.5 / float(size[1]), 1., 1.)
Ax.add_axis(axes, r)
Ax.text(0.5, 0., text, ha='center', va='bottom')#, transform='Ax')
return Ax
# }}}
__all__.extend(['save', 'load', 'grid'])
basemap_avail = True
cartopy_avail = True
from .basemap import *
from .basemap import __all__ as bm_all
def isbasemapaxis(axes):
# {{{
return isinstance(axes, BasemapAxes)
# }}}
except ImportError:
def isbasemapaxis(axes):
# {{{
return False
# }}}
basemap_avail = False
from .cartopy import *
from .cartopy import __all__ as crt_all
def iscartopyaxis(axes):
# {{{
return isinstance(axes, CartopyAxes)
# }}}
except ImportError:
def iscartopyaxis(axes):
# {{{
return False
# }}}
cartopy_avail = False
def ismapaxis(axis):
return isbasemapaxis(axis) or iscartopyaxis(axis)
if not (basemap_avail or cartopy_avail):
import warnings
warnings.warn('Neither Cartopy nor Basemap functionality is available.')