Source code for pygeode.plot.pyg_helpers

# Shortcuts for plotting PyGeode vars
# Extends to automatically use information from the Pygeode Vars.

from . import wrappers as wr
from . import cnt_helpers as ch
import numpy as np

def _getplotatts(var):
# {{{
  ''' Builds plotatts dictionary, using variable attributes as suitable defaults. '''
  # Use var.units over var.atts['units'] if both exist
  units = var.units
  if (units == '' or units is None) and 'units' in var.atts:
    units = var.atts['units']
  plt = dict(plotname =, plotunits = units, plotfmt = var.formatstr)
  plt.update([(k, v) for k, v in var.plotatts.items() if v is not None])
  return plt
# }}}

def _buildaxistitle(plotname=None, plottitle=None, plotunits=None, **dummy):
# {{{
  if plottitle is not None: return plottitle
  elif plotname is not None: title = plotname
  else: title = ''

  if plotunits not in [None, '']: title += ' [%s]' % plotunits

  return title
# }}}

def _buildvartitle(axes=None, plotname=None, plottitle=None, plotunits=None, **dummy):
# {{{
  if plottitle is not None: return plottitle
  elif plotname is not None: title = plotname
  else: title = ''

  if plotunits not in [None, '']: title += ' [%s]' % plotunits

  # Add information on degenerate axes to the title
  if axes is not None:
    for a in [a for a in axes if len(a) == 1]:
      title += ', ' + a.formatvalue(a.values[0])

  return title
# }}}

def scalevalues(var):
# {{{
   sf = var.plotatts.get('scalefactor', None)
   of = var.plotatts.get('offset', None)
   v = var.get().copy()
   if sf is not None: v *= sf
   if of is not None: v += of
   return v
# }}}

def axes_parm(axis):
# {{{
  vals = scalevalues(axis).ravel()
  lims = np.nanmin(vals), np.nanmax(vals)
  plt = _getplotatts(axis)
  return plt.get('plotscale', 'linear'), \
         _buildaxistitle(**plt), \
         lims[::plt.get('plotorder', 1)], \
         axis.formatter(), \
# }}}

def set_xaxis(axes, axis, lbl, xscale=True):
# {{{
  scale, label, lim, form, loc = axes_parm(axis)
  pl, pb, pr, pt = axes.pad

  prm = {}
  axprm = dict(major_locator = loc)
  if xscale:
    prm['xscale'] = scale
    prm['xlim']   = lim

  if lbl:
    import pylab as pyl
    prm['xlabel'] = label
    axprm['major_formatter'] = form
    axprm['minor_formatter'] = pyl.NullFormatter()
    prm['xticklabels'] = []


  if len(label) > 0 and lbl:
    axes.pad = [pl, 0.5, pr, 0.3]
    axes.pad = [pl, 0.3, pr, 0.3]
# }}} 

def set_yaxis(axes, axis, lbl, yscale=True):
# {{{
  scale, label, lim, form, loc = axes_parm(axis)
  pl, pb, pr, pt = axes.pad

  prm = {}
  axprm = dict(major_locator = loc)
  if yscale:
    prm['yscale'] = scale
    prm['ylim']   = lim

  if lbl:
    import pylab as pyl
    prm['ylabel'] = label
    axprm['major_formatter'] = form
    axprm['minor_formatter'] = pyl.NullFormatter()
    prm['yticklabels'] = []


  if len(label) > 0 and lbl:
    axes.pad = [0.8, pb, 0.1, pt]
    axes.pad = [0.5, pb, 0.1, pt]
# }}}

def build_projection(lons, lats, **kwargs):
# {{{
  if wr.cartopy_avail:
    # Use cartopy preferentially, if it is available.
    if not hasattr(wr, 'CartopyAxes'):
      return wr.AxesWrapper()

    prd = dict(projection = 'PlateCarree')

    return wr.CartopyAxes(**prd)

  elif wr.basemap_avail:
    # Use basemap if available
    prd = dict(projection = 'cyl', resolution = 'c')
    proj = prd['projection']
    bnds = {}

    if proj not in ['sinu', 'moll', 'hammer', 'npstere', 'spstere', 'nplaea', 'splaea', 'npaeqd', \
                          'spaeqd', 'robin', 'eck4', 'kav7', 'mbtfpq', 'ortho', 'nsper']:
      bnds = {'llcrnrlat':lats.min(),

    if proj == 'npstere':
      bnds = {'boundinglat':20, 'lon_0':0}

    if proj == 'spstere':
      bnds = {'boundinglat':-20, 'lon_0':0}


    return wr.BasemapAxes(**prd)
    return wr.AxesWrapper()
# }}}

def decorate_projection(axes, xaxis, yaxis, **kwargs):
# {{{
  if wr.iscartopyaxis(axes):
    cst_def = dict(resolution = '110m')
    cst = kwargs.pop('coastlines', cst_def)
    if isinstance(cst, dict):

    grd = kwargs.pop('gridlines', {})

    if isinstance(grd, dict):
      lblprjs = ['PlateCarree', 'Mercator']
      grd_def = dict(color = 'k', linestyle = ':', linewidth = 1.)

      if axes.prj_name in lblprjs:
        grd_def['draw_labels'] = True
        grd_def['draw_labels'] = False


      scale, label, lim, xform, xloc = axes_parm(xaxis)
      scale, label, lim, yform, yloc = axes_parm(yaxis)

      # Set default grid appearance and labeling if appropriate
      grd_prm = {}

      if grd_def['draw_labels']:
        grd_prm['top_labels']   = False
        grd_prm['right_labels'] = False
        grd_prm['xformatter'] = xform
        grd_prm['yformatter'] = yform

      if 'xlocs' not in grd_def:
        grd_prm['xlocator'] = xloc

      if 'ylocs' not in grd_def:
        grd_prm['ylocator'] = yloc

      mod_args = ['rotate_labels', 'top_labels', 'bottom_labels', 'right_labels', 'left_labels']

      for arg in mod_args:
        if arg in grd_def:
          grd_prm[arg] = grd_def.pop(arg)

      gl = axes.gridlines(**grd_def)

      if len(grd_prm) > 0:
        axes.modifygridlines(gl, **grd_prm)
    axes.pad = [0.6, 0.5, 0.2, 0.2]

  elif wr.isbasemapaxis(axes): 
    if kwargs.pop('bluemarble', False):

    # Add coastlines, meridians, parallels
    cld = {}
    merd = dict(meridians=[-180,-90,0,90,180,270,360],
    pard = dict(circles=[-90,-60,-30,0,30,60,90],

    cld.update(kwargs.pop('coastlines', {}))
    merd.update(kwargs.pop('meridians', {}))
    pard.update(kwargs.pop('parallels', {}))

    axes.pad=(0.6, 0.4, 0.4, 0.4)

# }}}

def _parse_autofmt_kwargs(Z, kwargs):
# {{{
  ''' Used by showvar and showgrid to parse kwargs for auto-contouring options. '''

  # Process auto contouring dictionaries
  if 'clevs' in list(kwargs.keys()) or 'clines' in list(kwargs.keys()):
    tdef = 'raw'
    tdef = 'clf'

  typ = kwargs.pop('type', tdef)

  if typ == 'raw':
    return kwargs
  elif typ == 'clf':
    cdelt = kwargs.pop('cdelt', None)
    if cdelt is None:
      z = scalevalues(Z)
      style = kwargs.pop('style',  None)
      ndiv  = kwargs.pop('ndiv',  None)
      cdelt, dct = ch.guessclimits(z, style=style, ndiv=ndiv)
      dct = {}
      if 'min' in kwargs and 'style' not in kwargs:
        dct['style'] = 'seq'
        dct['ndiv'] = 5
    kwargs = ch.clfdict(cdelt, **dct)
    return kwargs

  elif typ == 'cl':
    cdelt = kwargs.pop('cdelt', None)
    if cdelt is None:
      z = scalevalues(Z)
      style = kwargs.pop('style',  None)
      ndiv = kwargs.pop('ndiv', None)
      cdelt, dct = ch.guessclimits(z, style=style, ndiv=ndiv, clf=False)
      verbose = True
      ndiv = kwargs.pop('ndiv', 10)
      range = kwargs.pop('range', ndiv*cdelt)
      dct = dict(range=range)
      verbose = False
    kwargs = ch.cldict(cdelt, **dct)
    if verbose:
      print('Contour Interval: %0.2g' % cdelt)
      print('Minimum value: %3g, Maximum value: %3g' % (np.min(z), np.max(z)))
      print('Minimum contour: %3g, Maximum contour: %3g' % (kwargs['clines'][0], kwargs['clines'][-1]))

    return kwargs

  elif typ in ['log', 'log1s']:
    dct = {}
    if 'cmin' not in dct:
      raise ValueError('Must specify cmin (lower bound) for logarithmically spaced contours')
    kwargs = ch.log1sdict(**dct)
    return kwargs

  elif typ == 'log2s':
    dct = {}
    if not ('cmin' in dct) :
      raise ValueError('Must specify cmin (inner boundary for linear spaced interval) for two-sided logarithmically spaced contours')
    kwargs = ch.log2sdict(**dct)
    return kwargs

    raise ValueError("Unrecognized 2d plot type '%s'" % typ)
# }}}

# Do a 1D line plot
[docs]def vplot(var, fmt='', axes=None, transpose=False, lblx=True, lbly=True, **kwargs): # {{{ ''' Create a line plot of a variable. Parameters ---------- var : :class:`Var` The variable to plot. Should have 1 non-degenerate axis. fmt : string, optional Format of the line. See :func:`pylab.plot`. ''' Y = var.squeeze().load() assert Y.naxes == 1, 'Variable to plot must have exactly one non-degenerate axis.' X = Y.axes[0].load() yord = True # If a vertical axis is present transpose the plot from pygeode.axis import ZAxis if isinstance(X, ZAxis): X, Y = Y, X yord = False if transpose: X, Y = Y, X yord = not yord if yord: scalex = kwargs.get('scalex', True) scaley = kwargs.get('scaley', False) else: scalex = kwargs.get('scalex', False) scaley = kwargs.get('scaley', True) hold = kwargs.pop('hold', False) x = scalevalues(X) y = scalevalues(Y) if axes is None: axes = wr.AxesWrapper() axes.plot(x, y, fmt, **kwargs) # Apply the custom axes args if not hold: axes.pad = (0.1, 0.1, 0.1, 0.1) set_xaxis(axes, X, lblx, scalex) set_yaxis(axes, Y, lbly, scaley) plt = _getplotatts(var) lbl = _buildvartitle(var.axes, **plt) axes.setp(title=lbl, label=lbl) return axes
# }}}
[docs]def vhist(var, axes=None, lblx=True, lbly=True, **kwargs): # {{{ ''' Create a histogram of values taken by a variable. Parameters ---------- var : :class:`Var` The variable to compute the histogram of. ''' V = var.squeeze().load() v = scalevalues(V).ravel() if axes is None: axes = wr.AxesWrapper() axes.hist(v, **kwargs) # Apply the custom axes args axes.pad = [0.5, 0.1, 0.1, 0.1] set_xaxis(axes, V, lblx) plt = _getplotatts(var) lbl = _buildvartitle(var.axes, **plt) axes.setp(title=lbl, label=lbl) return axes
# }}} # Do a scatter plot
[docs]def vscatter(varx, vary, axes=None, lblx=True, lbly=True, **kwargs): # {{{ ''' Create a scatter plot from two variables with the same shape. Parameters ---------- varx : :class:`Var` Variable to use as abscissa values. Must have the same size as vary. vary : :class:`Var` Variable to use as ordinate values. Notes ----- Wraps matplotlib.scatter ''' assert varx.size == vary.size, 'Variables must have same size to do a scatter plot.' x = scalevalues(varx).ravel() y = scalevalues(vary).ravel() if axes is None: axes = wr.AxesWrapper() axes.scatter(x, y, **kwargs) # Apply the custom axes args axes.pad = (0.1, 0.1, 0.1, 0.1) set_xaxis(axes, varx, lblx) set_yaxis(axes, vary, lbly) return axes
# }}} # Do a 2D contour plot
[docs]def vcontour(var, clevs=None, clines=None, axes=None, lblx=True, lbly=True, label=True, transpose=None, **kwargs): # {{{ '''Create a contour plot (lines, filled, or both) from a variable. Parameters ---------- var : :class:`Var` The variable to plot. Should have 2 non-degenerate axes. clevs : integer or collection of numbers, optional Levels at which to construct filled contours through an underlying call to :func:`matplotlib.contourf`. If None is specified, no filled contours will be produced, unless clines is also None. If a number is specified, that number of equally spaced contours are chosen. Otherwise the explicit values are used. clines : integer or collection of numbers, optional Levels at which to construct contour lines through an underlying call to :func:`matplotlib.contour`. If None is specified, no contour lines are produced. If a number is specified, that number of equally spaced contours are chosen. Otherwise the explicit values are used. axes : :class:`AxisWrapper`, optional Axes on which to produce contour plot. If none is specified, one is created. lblx : bool, optional If True, add appropriate tick labels and an axis label on the x axis; if False, the x axis a is left unlabeled. Defaults to True. lbly : bool, optional If True, add appropriate tick labels and an axis label on the y axis; if False, the y axis a is left unlabeled. Defaults to True. transpose : bool, optional The x and y axes are chosen based on the two degenerate axes of the variable to plot. This order can be reversed by setting transpose to True. map : dict, optional If *args, **kwargs : arguments to pass on to underlying matplotlib contour plotting routines, see Notes. Returns ------- axes : :class:`AxesWrapper` The axes object containing the contour plots. Notes ----- If the two axes of the variable are a :class:`Lat` and :class:`Lon` axes, a map projection is created automatically. See Also -------- showvar, colorbar ''' Z = var.squeeze() assert Z.naxes == 2, 'Variable to contour must have two non-degenerate axes.' X, Y = Z.axes # If a vertical axis is present transpose the plot from pygeode.axis import ZAxis, Lat, Lon if transpose is None: if isinstance(X, ZAxis): X, Y = Y, X if isinstance(X, Lat) and isinstance(Y, Lon): X, Y = Y, X elif transpose: X, Y = Y, X x = scalevalues(X) y = scalevalues(Y) z = scalevalues(Z.transpose(Y, X)) map = kwargs.pop('map', {}) mapd = kwargs.pop('mapdecor', {}) if axes is None: if isinstance(X, Lon) and isinstance(Y, Lat) and map is not False: axes = build_projection(x, y, **map) else: axes = wr.AxesWrapper() if clevs is None and clines is None: # If both clevs and clines are None, use default axes.contourf(x, y, z, 21, **kwargs) if not clevs is None: lw = kwargs.pop('linewidths', None) axes.contourf(x, y, z, clevs, **kwargs) if lw is not None: kwargs['linewidths'] = lw # Special case; if plotting both filled and unfilled contours # with a single call, set the color of the latter to black kwargs['colors'] = 'k' kwargs['cmap'] = None if not clines is None: axes.contour(x, y, z, clines, **kwargs) # Apply the custom axes args if label: axes.pad = (0.1, 0.1, 0.1, 0.1) if wr.ismapaxis(axes) and mapd is not False: decorate_projection(axes, X, Y, **mapd) else: set_xaxis(axes, X, lblx) set_yaxis(axes, Y, lbly) plt = _getplotatts(var) axes.setp(title = _buildvartitle(var.axes, **plt)) return axes
# }}} # Do a 2D significance mask
[docs]def vsigmask(pval, axes, mjsig=0.95, mnsig=None, mjsigp = None, mnsigp = None, nsigp = None, transpose=None): # {{{ ''' Add significance shading to a contour plot from a variable. Parameters ---------- pval : :class:`Var` The variable containing a p-value of the significance mask. The mask will be applied where abs(pval) > mjsig (and optionally an additional mask will be applied for mnsig < abs(pval) < mjsig. Signed p-values for two-sided tests ensure that a gap will appear between significant regions of opposite sign. Should have two non-degenerate axes that match the quantity plotted. axes : :class:`AxesWrapper` The axis on which to add the mask. mjsig : float, optional [0.95] The p-value dividing significant from non-significant values. mnsig : float or None, optional [None] The p-value dividing minor significance from non-significant values. mjsigp : dictionary, optional A dictionary of keyword arguments that determine the properties of the (major) significant filled contours. See notes. mnsigp : dictionary, optional A dictionary of keyword arguments that determine the properties of the minor significant filled contours. See notes. nsigp : dictionary, optional A dictionary of keyword arguments that determine the properties of the non-significant filled contour. See notes. transpose : bool or None, optional [None] If True, transpose the axes of the plot. Notes ----- The significance mask is plotted as three (or five) filled contours, with boundaries at [-1.1, -mjsig, mjsig, 1.1] or [-1.1, -mjsig, -mnsig, mnsig, mjsig, 1.1]. Their respective graphical properties can be set using the dictionary kw arguments. By default, the non-significant contours are set to be invisible and the significant contours are set to a hatching pattern; this is equivalent to passing in mjsigp = dict(alpha = 0., hatch = '...') and nsigp = dict(visible = False). Any property of the filled contour can be set. Returns ------- :class:`AxesWrapper` object with plot. ''' Z = pval.squeeze() assert Z.naxes == 2, 'Variable to contour must have two non-degenerate axes.' X, Y = Z.axes # If a vertical axis is present transpose the plot from pygeode.axis import ZAxis, Lat, Lon if transpose is None: if isinstance(X, ZAxis): X, Y = Y, X if isinstance(X, Lat) and isinstance(Y, Lon): X, Y = Y, X elif transpose: X, Y = Y, X x = scalevalues(X) y = scalevalues(Y) z = scalevalues(Z.transpose(Y, X)) if mjsigp is None: mjsigp = dict(alpha = 0., hatch = '...') if mnsigp is None: mnsigp = dict(alpha = 0., hatch = '..') if nsigp is None: nsigp = dict(visible = False) if mnsig is None: cl = [-1.1, -mjsig, mjsig, 1.1] axes.contourf(x, y, z, cl, colors='w') cnt = axes.plots[-1] axes.modifycontours(cnt, ind=[0, 2], **mjsigp) axes.modifycontours(cnt, ind=[1], **nsigp) else: cl = [-1.1, -mnsig,-mjsig, mjsig, mnsig, 1.1] axes.contourf(x, y, z, cl, colors='w') cnt = axes.plots[-1] axes.modifycontours(cnt, ind=[0, 4], **mjsigp) axes.modifycontours(cnt, ind=[1, 3], **mnsigp) axes.modifycontours(cnt, ind=[2], **nsigp) return axes
# }}} # Do a stream plot
[docs]def vstreamplot(varu, varv, axes=None, lblx=True, lbly=True, label=True, transpose=None, **kwargs): # {{{ ''' Create a streamplot from two variables. Parameters ---------- ''' U = varu.squeeze() V = varv.squeeze() assert U.naxes == 2 and V.naxes == 2, 'Variables to quiver must have two non-degenerate axes.' X, Y = U.axes from pygeode.axis import Lat, Lon # If a vertical axis is present transpose the plot from pygeode.axis import ZAxis, Lat, Lon if transpose is None: if isinstance(X, ZAxis): X, Y = Y, X if isinstance(X, Lat) and isinstance(Y, Lon): X, Y = Y, X elif transpose: X, Y = Y, X x = scalevalues(X) y = scalevalues(Y) u = scalevalues(U.transpose(Y, X)) v = scalevalues(V.transpose(Y, X)) map = kwargs.pop('map', {}) mapd = kwargs.pop('mapdecor', {}) if axes is None: if isinstance(X, Lon) and isinstance(Y, Lat) and map is not False: axes = build_projection(x, y, **map) else: axes = wr.AxesWrapper() axes.streamplot(x, y, u, v, **kwargs) # Apply the custom axes args if label: axes.pad = (0.1, 0.1, 0.1, 0.1) if wr.ismapaxis(axes) and mapd is not False: decorate_projection(axes, X, Y, **mapd) else: set_xaxis(axes, X, lblx) set_yaxis(axes, Y, lbly) plt = _getplotatts(varu) axes.setp(title = _buildvartitle(varu.axes, **plt)) return axes
# }}} # Do a quiver plot
[docs]def vquiver(varu, varv, varc=None, axes=None, lblx=True, lbly=True, label=True, transpose=None, **kwargs): # {{{ ''' Create a quiver plot from two variables. Parameters ---------- ''' U = varu.squeeze() V = varv.squeeze() assert U.naxes == 2 and V.naxes == 2, 'Variables to quiver must have two non-degenerate axes.' assert U.axes == V.axes, 'Variables U and V must have the same axes.' X, Y = U.axes if varc is not None: C = varc.squeeze() assert U.axes == C.axes, 'Color values must have same axes as U and V' from pygeode.axis import Lat, Lon # If a vertical axis is present transpose the plot from pygeode.axis import ZAxis, Lat, Lon if transpose is None: if isinstance(X, ZAxis): X, Y = Y, X if isinstance(X, Lat) and isinstance(Y, Lon): X, Y = Y, X elif transpose: X, Y = Y, X x = scalevalues(X) y = scalevalues(Y) u = scalevalues(U.transpose(Y, X)) v = scalevalues(V.transpose(Y, X)) if varc is not None: c = scalevalues(C.transpose(Y, X)) map = kwargs.pop('map', {}) mapd = kwargs.pop('mapdecor', {}) if axes is None: if isinstance(X, Lon) and isinstance(Y, Lat) and map is not False: axes = build_projection(x, y, **map) else: axes = wr.AxesWrapper() if varc is not None: axes.quiver(x, y, u, v, c, **kwargs) else: axes.quiver(x, y, u, v, **kwargs) # Apply the custom axes args if label: axes.pad = (0.1, 0.1, 0.1, 0.1) if wr.ismapaxis(axes) and mapd is not False: decorate_projection(axes, X, Y, **mapd) else: set_xaxis(axes, X, lblx) set_yaxis(axes, Y, lbly) plt = _getplotatts(varu) axes.setp(title = _buildvartitle(varu.axes, **plt)) return axes
# }}} # Generic catch all interface (plotvar replacement)
[docs]def showvar(var, *args, **kwargs): # {{{ '''Plot variable, showing a contour plot for 2d variables or a line plot for 1d variables. Parameters ---------- var : :class:`Var` The variable to plot. Should have either 1 or 2 non-degenerate axes. Arguments below relevant only for the 1 dimensional case are labelled [1D], those relevant only for the 2 dimensional case are labelled [2D]. fmt : string, optional [1D] matplotlib format to plot line. See :func:`matplotlib.plot()`. Will also be recognized as the second positional argument (after var). type : string, optional ['clf'] [2D] style of plot to produce. See Notes. axes : :class:`AxesWrapper` instance, optional Axes object on which to plot variable. A new one is created if this is not specified. transpose: boolean, optional [False] If True, reverse axes. lblx: boolean, optional [True] If True, label horizontal axes lbly: boolean, optional [True] If True, label vertical axes *args, **kwargs : Further arguments are passed on to the underlying plotting routine. See Notes. Notes ----- This function is intended as the simplest way to display the contents of a variable, choosing appropriate parameter values as automatically as possible. For 1d variables it calls :func:`Var.vplot()`, and for 2d variables :func:`Var.vcontour`. In the latter case, if filled contours were produced, it calls :func:`AxesWrapper.colorbar()`. A dictionary ``colorbar`` can be provided to pass arguments through. Setting ``colorbar`` to ``False`` suppresses the colorbar. Returns ------- :class:`AxesWrapper` object with plot. See Also -------- vplot, vcontour, colorbar ''' Z = var.squeeze() assert Z.naxes in [1, 2], 'Variable %s has %d non-generate axes; must have 1 or 2.' % (, Z.naxes) var = var.load() fig = kwargs.pop('fig', None) size = kwargs.pop('size', None) if Z.naxes == 1: ax = vplot(var, *args, **kwargs) if size is not None: ax.size = size elif Z.naxes == 2: kwargs = _parse_autofmt_kwargs(Z, kwargs) cbar = kwargs.pop('colorbar', dict(orientation='vertical')) ax = vcontour(var, *args, **kwargs) if size is not None: ax.size = size cf = ax.find_plot(wr.Contourf) cl = ax.find_plot(wr.Contour) if cbar and cf is not None: if cl is not None: cbar['lcnt'] = cl ax = wr.colorbar(ax, cf, **cbar) import pylab as pyl if pyl.isinteractive(): ax.render(fig) return ax
# }}} def showcol(vs, size=(4.1,2), **kwargs): # {{{ ''' Plot column of contour plots. Superseded by :func:`showgrid`. Parameters ---------- v : list of lists of :class:`Var` The variables to plot. Should have either 1 or 2 non-degenerate axes. Notes ----- This function is intended as the simplest way to display the contents of a variable, choosing appropriate parameter values as automatically as possible. ''' Z = [v.squeeze() for v in vs] assert Z[0].naxes in [1, 2], 'Variables %s has %d non-generate axes; must have 1 or 2.' % (, Z.naxes) for z in Z[1:]: assert Z[0].naxes == z.naxes, 'All variables must have the same number of non-generate dimensions' #assert all([a == b for a, b in zip(Z[0].axes, z.axes)]) fig = kwargs.pop('fig', None) if Z[0].naxes == 1: axs = [] ydat = [] for v in vs: lblx = (v is vs[-1]) ax = vplot(v, lblx = lblx, **kwargs) ax.size = size axs.append([ax]) ydat.append(ax.find_plot(wr.Plot).plot_args[1]) Ax = wr.grid(axs) ylim = (np.min([np.min(y) for y in ydat]), np.max([np.max(y) for y in ydat])) Ax.setp(ylim = ylim, children=True) elif Z[0].naxes == 2: axs = [] for v in vs: lblx = (v is vs[-1]) ax = vcontour(v, lblx = lblx, **kwargs) ax.size = size axs.append([ax]) Ax = wr.grid(axs) cbar = kwargs.pop('colorbar', dict(orientation='vertical')) cf = Ax.axes[0].find_plot(wr.Contourf) if cbar and cf is not None: Ax = wr.colorbar(Ax, cf, **cbar) import pylab as pyl if pyl.isinteractive(): Ax.render(fig) return Ax # }}}
[docs]def showgrid(vf, vl=[], ncol=1, size=(3.5,1.5), lbl=True, **kwargs): # {{{ ''' Create grid of contour plots of multiple variables. Parameters ---------- vf : list of lists of :class:`Var` The variables to plot. Should have 2 non-degenerate axes. ncol : integer Number of columns ''' from pygeode import Var if isinstance(vf, Var): vf = [vf] if isinstance(vl, Var): vl = [vl] assert all([v.squeeze().naxes == 2 for v in vf]), 'Variables (vf) should have 2 degenerate axes.' nVf = len(vf) assert all([v.squeeze().naxes == 2 for v in vl]), 'Variables (vl) should have 2 degenerate axes.' nVl = len(vl) if nVf > 1 and nVl > 1: assert nVl == nVf, 'Must have the same number of filled and contour-line variables.' fig = kwargs.pop('fig', None) kwargs = _parse_autofmt_kwargs(vf[0], kwargs) cbar = kwargs.pop('colorbar', dict(orientation='vertical')) xpad = 0. ypad = 0. kwlines = {} if nVl > 0: kwlines['colors'] = kwargs.pop('colors', 'k') kwlines['clines'] = kwargs.pop('clines', 11) for k in ['linewidths', 'linestyles']: if k in kwargs: kwlines[k] = kwargs.pop(k) kwfill = {} if nVf > 0: kwfill['clevs'] = kwargs.pop('clevs', 31) kwfill['cmap'] = kwargs.pop('cmap', None) kwlines['label'] = False if cbar: if cbar.get('orientation', 'vertical') == 'vertical': ypad = cbar.get('width', 0.8) else: xpad = cbar.get('height', 0.4) kwcb = {} nV = max(nVl, nVf) nrow = np.ceil(nV / float(ncol)) axpad = kwargs.pop('axpad', 0.2) aypad = kwargs.pop('aypad', 0.4) if lbl: axpadl = axpad + kwargs.pop('lblxpad', 0.7) aypadl = aypad + kwargs.pop('lblypad', 0.15) else: axpadl = axpad aypadl = aypad axw, axh = size axs = [] row = [] for i in range(nV): lblx = (i / ncol == nrow - 1) lbly = (i % ncol == 0) ax = None if nVf > 0: v = vf[i % nVf] kwfill.update(kwargs) ax = vcontour(v, axes=ax, lblx = lblx, lbly = lbly, **kwfill) if nVl > 0: v = vl[i % nVl] kwlines.update(kwargs) ax = vcontour(v, axes=ax, lblx = lblx, lbly = lbly, **kwlines) if hasattr(wr, 'BasemapAxes') and isinstance(ax, wr.BasemapAxes): w = axw h = axh else: pl, pb, pr, pt = ax.pad if lblx: py = aypadl else: py = aypad if lbly: px = axpadl else: px = axpad h = axh + py w = axw + px ax.pad = [px-pr, py-pt, pr, pt] ax.size = (w, h) row.append(ax) if i % ncol == ncol - 1: axs.append(row) row = [] if len(row) > 0: row.extend([None] * (ncol - len(row))) axs.append(row) Ax = wr.grid(axs) cf = Ax.axes[0].find_plot(wr.Contourf) if cbar and cf is not None: Ax = wr.colorbar(Ax, cf, **cbar) import pylab as pyl if pyl.isinteractive(): Ax.render(fig) return Ax
# }}}
[docs]def showlines(vs, fmts=None, labels=None, size=(4.1,2), lblx=True, lbly=True, **kwargs): # {{{ ''' Produce line plots of a list of 1D variables on a single figure. Parameters ---------- vs : list of :class:`Var` The variables to plot. Should all have 1 non-degenerate axis. ''' Z = [v.squeeze() for v in vs] for z in Z: assert z.naxes == 1, 'Variable %s has %d non-generate axes; must have 1.' % (, z.naxes) fig = kwargs.pop('fig', None) ax = wr.AxesWrapper(size=size) ydat = [] for i, v in enumerate(vs): if fmts is None: fmt = '' elif hasattr(fmts, '__len__'): fmt = fmts[i] else: fmt = fmts if labels is None: lbl = elif hasattr(labels, '__len__'): lbl = labels[i] else: lbl = labels vplot(v, axes=ax, fmt=fmt, label=lbl) ydat.append(ax.find_plot(wr.Plot).plot_args[1]) #ylim = (np.min([np.min(y) for y in ydat]), np.max([np.max(y) for y in ydat])) #kwargs.update(dict(ylim=ylim)) kwleg = kwargs.pop('legend', dict(loc='best', frameon=False)) ax.legend(**kwleg) ax.setp(**kwargs) import pylab as pyl if pyl.isinteractive(): ax.render(fig) return ax
# }}} def savepages(figs, fn, psize='A4', marg=0.5, scl=1.): # {{{ sizes = dict(A4 = (8.3, 11.7), A4l = (11.7, 8.3)) if psize in sizes: pwidth, pheight = sizes[psize] else: pwidth, pheight = psize hmarg = marg wmarg = marg psize = (pwidth, pheight) fwidth = pwidth - 2*wmarg fheight = pheight - 2*hmarg ymarg = hmarg/pheight xmarg = wmarg/pwidth y = 1. - ymarg x = xmarg ax = wr.AxesWrapper(size=psize) from matplotlib.backends.backend_pdf import PdfPages pp = PdfPages(fn) page = 1 nfigs = 0 hlast = 0 for f in figs: w = f.size[0] / pwidth * scl h = f.size[1] / pheight * scl if x + w < 1. - xmarg: r = [x, y - h, x + w, y] ax.add_axis(f, r) x += w hlast = max(h, hlast) nfigs += 1 else: x = xmarg y = y - hlast if nfigs > 0 and y - h < ymarg: fig = ax.render('page%d' % page) pp.savefig(fig) ax = wr.AxesWrapper(size=psize) y = 1. - ymarg print('Page %d, %d figures.' % (page, nfigs)) page += 1 nfigs = 0 r = [x, y - h, x + w, y] ax.add_axis(f, r) x = x + w hlast = h nfigs += 1 print('Page %d, %d figures.' % (page, nfigs)) fig = ax.render('page%d'%page, show=False) pp.savefig(fig) pp.close() # }}} __all__ = ['showvar', 'showcol', 'showgrid', 'showlines', 'vplot', 'vscatter', \ 'vhist', 'vcontour', 'vsigmask', 'vstreamplot', 'vquiver', 'savepages']