PyGeode 1.4.1

Welcome! PyGeode is a python package intended to simplify the manipulation, analysis and visualization of geophysical datasets, such as those generated by climate models. It is particularly suited to dealing with large datasets that don’t fit into memory. It is also intended to simplify plotting this data with matplotlib. For more of an introduction, see the Tutorial.

This documentation describes version 1.4.1.

Download and Install

See the Installing PyGeode page for all the details. The project’s Git repository has migrated to GitHub as of March 2015 in light of Google Code closing down. It is licensed under the GNU GPL v3.


There is a step by step Tutorial intended to introduce you to many aspects of the code.

There is also a Reference with full details.

A Gallery with examples of plots made with PyGeode is also in development.

What’s New

A list of changes for each version is available.

About PyGeode

PyGeode was originally developed by Mike Neish and Peter Hitchcock in the Department of Physics at the University of Toronto, with contributions from Andre Erler and Isla Simpson.